Student & Major Professor |
Title of Thesis |
Joel Ainsworth
Penny Diebel |
“RINs and Biofuel Mandates: Comparing Ethanol and Biodiesel Markets” |
William Anderson
Penny Diebel |
“Net Farm Income Determinants and the Role of Water Development Projects” |
Joanna Carroll
Bruce Weber |
“Did the Great Recession Change SNAP Participation Behavior? A Panel Analysis of Two Oregon Snap Participant Cohorts” |
Jacob Gjesdahl
Randy Rosenberger |
“Improved Viewshed Modelling for Estimating Effects of Neighboring Land Uses on Property Values” |
Sam Gulpen
Bill Jaeger |
“Using Country-Level Forest Coverage to Analyze the Existence of an Environmental Kuznets Curve” |
Nadine Hanhan
Susan Capalbo |
“Greening the Grid: The Cost-Effectiveness of Residential Solar Programs in Oregon” |
Elizabeth "Libby" Hodgin
Cathy Durham |
“Impact of Price and Color Availability on Fair Trade and Organic Apparel Choice” |
Daniel Holder
B. Starr McMullen |
“Determinants of Household Vehicle Miles Traveled in Oregon” |
Alexey Kalinin
Bill Jaeger |
“Right as Rain? The Value of Water in Willamette Valley Agriculture” |
Yue Ke
Starr McMullen |
“Economic Analysis of a Road Usage Charge” |
Nicole Kovski
David Lewis |
“Recreational Boating and the Spread of Eurasian Water milfoil – Determinants of Boater Demand and the Costs of Prevention Efforts in Wisconsin” |
Annah Latane
Bill Jaeger |
“An Exploration of Water Quality in the United States Using an Environmental Kuznets Curve Framework” |
Jeffrey McCaulou
Susan Capalbo |
“Estimating a Juniper Biomass Supply from Private Rangelands: The Impact of Distance and Biotic Factors on Costs” |
Jason Miller
Cathy Durham |
"The Economics of Commodity Promotion in the Hazelnut Industry" |
Winston Oakley
JunJie Wu |
"Maximizing Urban Property Values Through Open Space Conservation" |
Beau Olen
JunJie Wu |
“Irrigation Choices for Major West Coast Crops: Water Scarcity and Climatic Determinants” |
Daniel Ritter
Clark Seavert |
“The Economic Value of Native Pollinators in Regard to Oregon Blueberry Production” |
Sakib Bin Salam
B. Starr McMullen |
“Is There Still a Southwest-Effect? – A Study of Southwest Airline’s Pricing Strategies” |
Lucas Stein
Penny Diebel |
“Economic Analysis of Potential Camelina Oil Crop Supplies in the Northwest U.S.” |
Tyler West
Clark Seavert |
“An Investment Valuation and Risk Assessment of High-Density Sweet Cherry Orchards” |
Senal Weerasooriya
Qinglai Meng |
“Exchange Rate Dynamics and the Trade Balance: The Case of Sri Lanka” |
Seth Wiggins
John Antle |
"Pacific Northwest Rangeland Carbon Sequestration" |
Xiurou Wu
Bruce Weber |
How Does Income Inequality Affects Community Economic Resilience?” |
Xin Zhang
Jeff Reimer |
"An Economic Model of Search and Matching in International Trade" |