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“Influence of grain type and processing method on beef cattle consuming forage-based diets”, Cattle Producer's Library, 2000.
, “Influence of age of meadow hay in beef cow's winter rations following summer grazing on sagebrush-bunchgrass range”, Squaw Butte-Harney Range and Livestock Experiment Station, 1953.
, , “Improving Late-summer and Winter Forage Quality with Livestock Grazing”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2006.
, “Identifying insects and arthropods in Oregon”, Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, Oregon, EC 1630-E, 2009.
, , “Hunger in Oregon During the Great Recession”, Rural Studies Program Fact Sheets, 2012.
, , “Humoral Immune System Response to Copper and Selenium Supplementation in Weaned Beef Steers”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
, “How to identify, scout, and control insect pests in vegetable crops”, Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, Oregon, EC 1625-E, 2008.
, , “How Economically Interdependent is the Portland Metro Core with its Rural Periphery? A Comparison Across Two Decades”, Rural Studies Program Working Paper Series, 2009.
, “Household and Economic Factors Associated with Geographic and School Mobility among Low Income Children”, Rural Studies Program Working Paper Series, 2014.
, “History of Rangeland Research on Catherine Creek”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2005.
, “Growth and development of replacement heifers wintered with rhythmic changes in feeding”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1966.
, “The Great Recession and SNAP Caseloads: A Tale of Two States”, Rural Studies Program Working Paper Series, 2014.
, “Great Basin Redband Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss newberrii) habitat improvement using felled western juniper (Juniperus occidentailis)”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2003.
, “Great Basin Fact Sheet – Woody Fuels Reduction in Wyoming Big Sagebrush Communities”, USDA-FS, 13, 2015.
, “Great Basin Fact Sheet – Reestablishing Perennial-Dominated Plant Communities in Medusahead-Invaded Sagebrush Rangeland”, USDA-FS, 2015.
, “Great Basin Fact Sheet – Post-Fire Grazing Management in the Great Basin”, USDA-FS, 7, 2015.
, “Great Basin Fact Sheet – Limiting Medusahead Invasion and Impacts in the Great Basin”, USDA-FS, 2015.
, “Grazing following Juniper Cutting”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2006.
, “Grazing as a Management Tool for Perennial Pepperweed”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2006.
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