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Author Title Type [ Year] Filters: Economic-impact-local-food-producerscentral-oregon is [Clear All Filters]
“The Influence of Ammonium Nitrate on the Growth and Yield of Crested Wheatgrass on the Oregon High Desert”, Agronomy Journal, vol. 50, no. 1, p. 40, 1958.
, “Profitable Use of Fertilizer on Native Meadows”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 11, no. 2, p. 80, 1958.
, “Ranchers, ranges, and cows”. Federal Cooperative Extention Service - Oregon State College, 1958.
, “The response of beef cattle to phosphorus fertilized and unfertilized flood meadow hay with in vitro observations on factors influencing rumen microorganism activity”, West. Seca Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. Proc. 9: LXI-1-LXI-6, 1958.
, “Sagebrush control in Oregon”, 11th Annual meeting of the American Society of Range Management . Phoenix, AZ, 1958.
, “Sagebrush or grass”, 1958.
“The effect of injectable iron and oral oxytetracycline on hemoglobin, packed cell volume and rate of gain of baby range calves”, J. Animal Sci, vol. 18, p. 1180, 1959.
, “Growth and Carbohydrate Trends in Crested Wheatgrass”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 12, no. 6, p. 271, 1959.
, “A Legume for Native Flood Meadows: II. Phosphorus Fertilizer Requirements for Maintaining Stands of White-Tip Clover (Trifolium variegatum)1”, Agronomy Journal, vol. 51, no. 6, p. 350, 1959.
, “Oxytetracycline and high levels of phosphorus in the wintering ration of beef cattle”, J. Animal Sci, vol. 18, 1959.
, “The response of beef cattle to pelleted and coarsely chopped mountain meadow hay with digestibility comparisons”, in JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 1959.
, “Beef Cattle Day”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1960.
, “Beef cattle research at the Squaw Butte Station Livestock Field Day”, Squaw Butte-Harney Range and Livestock Experiment Station, 1960.
, “Bitterlich's Plotless Method for Sampling Basal Ground Cover of Bunchgrasses”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 6, 1960.
, “Grass to Beef”, 1960.
, “Effect of time of weaning on winter performance of Hereford calves”, in JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 1961.
, “Evaluation of range and meadow forages at various stages of maturity and levels of nitrogen fertilization”, in JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 1961.
, “Fertilizer-Induced Changes in Botanical Composition, Yield, and Quality of Native Meadow Hay”, Agronomy Journal, vol. 53, no. 4, p. 255, 1961.
, “Growth Characteristics of Crested Wheatgrass, Agropyron Desertorum (Fisch.) Schult., in the Big Sagebrush-bluebunch Wheatgrass Province of Southeastern Oregon”, Oregon State University, 1961.
, “The influence of winter nutrition of range beef cattle production in eastern Oregon”, American Society of Animal Production - Western Section, vol. Vol. II. 1961.
, “The influence of yeast in a high roughage wintering ration for Hereford calves as measured by digestibility and performance”. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1961.
, “Optimum feeding rates for wintering weaner calves.”, Optimum feeding rates for wintering weaner calves., 1961.