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“Using remote sensing to assess the in-season nitrogen status of perennial ryegrass for seed production”, Agronomy journal, vol. 102, pp. 1441–1447, 2010.
, “Using Remote Sensing to Assess the In-Season Nitrogen Status of Perennial Ryegrass for Seed Production”, Agron. J, 2010.
, “Using Resilience and Resistance Concepts to Manage Persistent Threats to Sagebrush Ecosystems and Greater Sage-grouse”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 149-164, 2017.
, “Using resistance and resilience concepts to reduce impacts of invasive annual grasses and altered fire regimes on the sagebrush ecosystem and greater sage-grouse: A strategic multi-scale approach”, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ft. Collins, CO, 2014.
, “Using sampling and inverse distance weighted modeling for mapping invasive plants”, Western North American Naturalist, pp. 312–323, 2004.
, “Using sampling and inverse distance weighted modeling for mapping invasive plants”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2006.
, “Using short soil moisture probes with high-bandwidth time domain reflectometry instruments”, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 59, pp. 97–102, 1995.
, “Using soil test results for garden fertilization”, University of Idaho Extension Publication. 2011.
, “Using soils in sensitivity analysis for vegetation change models”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013.
, “Using spatially-explicit population models to evaluate habitat restoration plans for the San Diego cactus wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus sandiegensis)”, Biological Conservation, vol. 175, pp. 42–51, 2014.
, “Using spatially-explicit population models to evaluate habitat restoration plans for the San Diego cactus wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus sandiegensis)”, Biological Conservation, vol. 175, pp. 42 - 51, 2014.
, “Using the Nitrogen Mineralization Soil Test to Predict Spring Fertilizer N Rate”, Oregon State Extension Service Publication , 2010.
, “Using Virtual Fencing to Create Fuel Breaks in the Sagebrush Steppe”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 89, pp. 87 - 93, 2023.
, “Using wastewater-based epidemiology to estimate drug consumption—Statistical analyses and data presentation”, Science of The Total Environment, vol. 568, pp. 856 - 863, 2016.
, , “Utilization of Chopped, Wafered, and Pelleted Native Meadow Hay by Weaned Hereford Calves”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 778 - 781, 1961.
, “Utilization of wastes from Pacific whiting surimi manufacturing: proteinases and protein hydrolysate”, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 1997.
, “Utilizing grass seed residues for winter beef cattle”, Proc. Canadian Alfalfa Seed and Forage Seed Conf. pp. 62-67, 2000.
, “Utilizing Grass Seed Residues for Wintering Beef Cattle”, Alberta Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development. Alberta, Canada, 2000.
, “Utilizing National Agriculture Imagery Program Data to Estimate Tree Cover and Biomass of Piñon and Juniper Woodlands”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 563 - 572, 2014.
, “Vadose zone processes”. 1999.
, “Validating Blackberry Seedling Pedigrees and Developing an Improved Multiplexed Microsatellite Fingerprinting Set”, Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, vol. 143, no. 5, pp. 381 - 390, 2018.
, “Validation of a new model for aerobic organic solids decomposition: simulations with substrate specific kinetics”, Process Biochemistry, vol. 36, pp. 875–884, 2001.
, “Validation of a spectrophotometer-based method for estimating daily sperm production and deferent duct transit”, Poultry Science, vol. 91, no. 10, pp. 2621 - 2627, 2012.
, “Validation of molecular markers associated with perpetual flowering in octoploid Fragaria germplasm”, Molecular Breeding, vol. 37, p. 70, 2017.