OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Alfalfa Supplementation of Beef Cattle Grazing Winter Sagebrush-Steppe Range Forage

TitleOSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Alfalfa Supplementation of Beef Cattle Grazing Winter Sagebrush-Steppe Range Forage
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsBrandyberry, SD, Barton, RK, Angell, RF
InstitutionOregon Agricultural Experiment Station
Keywordsalfalfa supplementation, beef cattle, winter grazing
ContentsOSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Alfalfa Supplementation of Beef Cattle Grazing Winter Sagebrush-Steppe Range Forage Brandyberry, S. D. Barton, R. K. Angell, R. F. winter grazing beef cattle alfalfa supplementation