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E. L. Carroll, Baker, C. S., Watson, M., Alderman, R., Bannister, J., Gaggiotti, O. E., öcke, D. R., Patenaude, N., and Harcourt, R., Cultural traditions across a migratory network shape the genetic structure of southern right whales around Australia and New Zealand, Scientific Reports, vol. 5, p. 16182, 2015.
E. L. Carroll, Brooks, L., Baker, C. S., Burns, D., Garrigue, C., Hauser, N., Jackson, J. A., M. Poole, M., and Fewster, R. M., Assessing the design and power of capture-recapture studies to estimate demographic parameters for the Endangered Oceania humpback whale population, Endangered Species Research, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 147 - 162, 2015.
E. L. Carroll, Rayment, W. J., Alexander, A. M., C. Baker, S., Patenaude, N. J., Steel, D., Constantine, R., Cole, R., Boren, L. J., and Childerhouse, S., Reestablishment of former wintering grounds by New Zealand southern right whales, Marine Mammal Science, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 206 - 220, 2014.
E. L. Carroll, Childerhouse, S. J., Fewster, R. M., Patenaude, N. J., Steel, D., Dunshea, G., Boren, L. J., and Baker, C. S., Accounting for female reproductive cycles in a superpopulation capture–recapture framework, Ecological Applications, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 1677 - 1690, 2013.
E. L. Carroll, CHILDERHOUSE, S. I. M. O. N. J., CHRISTIE, M. A. R. K., LAVERY, S. H. A. N. E., Patenaude, N., Alexander, A. M., Constantine, R., Steel, D., Boren, L. J., and C. Baker, S., Paternity assignment and demographic closure in the New Zealand southern right whale, Molecular Ecology, vol. 21, no. 16, pp. 3960 - 3973, 2012.
E. L. Carroll, Patenaude, N. J., Childerhouse, S. J., Kraus, S. D., Fewster, R. M., and Baker, C. S., Abundance of the New Zealand subantarctic southern right whale population estimated from photo-identification and genotype mark-recapture, Marine Biology, vol. 158, no. 11, pp. 2565 - 2575, 2011.
E. L. Carroll, Patenaude, N., Alexander, A., Steel, D., Harcourt, R., Childerhouse, S., Smith, S., Bannister, J., Constantine, R., and Baker, C. S., Population structure and individual movement of southern right whales around New Zealand and Australia, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 432, pp. 257 - 268, 2011.