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A. D. Moore, Mikkelsen, R. L., and Israel, D. W., Nitrogen Mineralization of Anaerobic Swine Lagoon Sludge as Influenced by Seasonal Temperatures, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, vol. 35, no. 7-8, pp. 991 - 1005, 2004.
A. D. Moore and Ippolito, J., Dairy Waste Applications – How much is too much?, University of Idaho Extension Publication. 2009.
A. D. Moore, Stark, J. C., Brown, B., and Hopkins, B., Southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Sugar Beets, University of Idaho Extension Publication. 2009.
L. Chen, Moore, A. D., and M. Marti, deHaro, On-farm composting management, University of Idaho Extension Publication. 2012.
A. D. Moore, Corey, A., Hines, S., and Brown, B., Southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Beans, University of Idaho Extension Publication. 2012.
L. Hunter, Moore, A. D., and Falen, C., Cover crops for high desert farming systems in Idaho, University of Idaho Extension Publication. 2014.
A. D. Moore, de Haro-Mart, M., and Chen, L., Sampling dairy manure and compost for nutrient analysis., Pacific Northwest publication (Oregon, Washington, and Idaho). PNW 673. 2015.