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N. H, microRNA gene regulation cascades during early stages of plant development, Plant and Cell Physiology , vol. 51, pp. 1840-1846, 2010.
N. H, GW, B., and JD, B., Germinaton -still a mystery, Plant Science, vol. 179, pp. 574-581, 2010.
N. H, P-P, L., ,, and RC, M., Regulation of seed germination and stand establishment - Importance of repression of developmental programs, Acta Horticulture, vol. 782, pp. 51-57, 2008.
N. H, Seed germination and reserve mobilization, in Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
N. H, F, C., KJ, B., Bradford, K. J., and Bradford, K. J., Mechanisms and genes involved in germination sensu stricto, in Seed Development, Dormancy and Germination, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Plant Science, 2007, pp. 264-304.
N. H, Seed Production Physiology/Global Seed Research Update, Japanese Seed Trade Association . Tokyo, Japan, 2010.
N. H, Seed Production and Germination, Sakata Seed Corp. Yokohama, Japan, 2012.
N. H, Hormone metabolism during seed development and germination, INRA. Versailles, France, 2011.
N. H, microRNA gene regulation cascades in the biology of seeds, Israeli Society of Plant Sciences Conference. Sede Boqer, Israel, 2011.
N. H, Closing the loop: Integrating seed quality into breeding programs, Asian and Pacific Seed Association Workshop. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2010.