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C. Scott Cooper, Hyder, D. Nelson, Sawyer, W. A., Sneva, F. A., and Wheeler, R. R., 1957 Field Day Report, Squaw Butte-Harney Experiment Station, 1957.
R. J. Raleigh and Turner, H. A., 1967 Progress Report--Research in beef cattle nutrition and management, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1967.
R. J. Raleigh and Turner, H. A., 1968 Progress Report--Research in beef cattle nutrition and management, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1968.
R. J. Raleigh and Turner, H. A., 1969 Progress Report-Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1969.
L. J. Foster and Raleigh, R. J., 1972 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: Ralgro and Stilbestrol Implants for Beef Cattle, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1972.
L. J. Foster and Raleigh, R. J., 1974 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: Ralgro - Suckling Calves to Slaughter, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1974.
R. L. Phillips and Vavra, M., 1975 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition: Feeding Grass Straw to Wintering Beef Cows, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1975.
K. J. Peterson, Raleigh, R. J., Stroud, R. K., and Turner, H. A., 1976 Progress Report-Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: Anaplasmosis Studies Conducted on The Squaw Butte Range, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1976.
R. J. Raleigh, Turner, H. A., and Whittington, D. L., 1977 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition: Marketing Steers Directly off Grass, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1977.
R. L. Phillips and Vavra, M., 1977 Progress Report -- Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition: The Effects of Nutrition Level on the Performance of Wintering Cows, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1977.
R. J. Raleigh and Turner, H. A., 1978 Progress Report--Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: Artificial Insemination Considerations for Beef Cattle, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1978.
R. O. Kellems, 1980 Progress Report -- Beef Cattle and Range Resources: Utilization of Liquid Supplements with Ryegrass Straw, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1980.
D. A. Daugherty, Raleigh, R. J., Swanson, L. V., and Turner, H. A., 1980 Progress Report-Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1980.
K. E. Lanka and Vavra, M., 1982 Progress Report--Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: The Effects on Gain of Feeding Selenium to Cows and Calves and Injecting Selenium in Calves, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1982.
R. J. Raleigh and Turner, H. A., 1982 Progress Report--Research in Beef Cattle Nutrition and Management: Compudose, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1982.
I. J. Tinsley, Van Ryssen, B. J. J., and Whanger, P. D., 1987 Progress Report -- Research in beef cattle nutrition and management: Plasma Levels of Vitamin E and Vitamin A in Cattle Raised Over a One Year Period on the Squaw Butte and Union Stations, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987.
I. J. Tinsley, Turner, H. A., Van Ryssen, B. J. J., and Whanger, P. D., 1987 Progress Report -- Research in beef cattle nutrition and management: Influence of Routine Management Practices at Burns and Union, Oregon, on Selenium, Copper, Zinc and Cobalt Status of Cattle, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987.
W. Herbert Kennick, Beef Cattle Day, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1960.
R. J. Raleigh and Wallace, J. D., Beef cattle research at the Squaw Butte Station Livestock Field Day, Squaw Butte-Harney Range and Livestock Experiment Station, 1960.
T. W. Cook, BILL E. KUNKLE INTERDISCIPLINARY BEEF SYMPOSIUM: Temperament and acclimation to human handling influence growth, health, and reproductive responses in Bos taurus and Bos indicus cattle1, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 9287823227172011518987879014291908723845260–615522561163932825829090368935876266747473529843785423085219233348946758732, no. 12Suppl. 2E-Suppl. 3E-Suppl. 3, pp. 5325 - 5333, 2014.
J. L. Holechek, Vavra, M., and Skovlin, J., Cattle Diet and Daily Gains on a Mountain Riparian Meadow in Northeastern Oregon, Journal of Range Management, vol. 35, no. 6, p. 745, 1982.
R. J. Raleigh, Sneva, F. A., and Turner, H. A., Chemical curing range forage for fall grazing, Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, vol. 19. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1968.
F. Hubbert and , A comparison of Brahman x Hereford crossbreds with Herefords, 1955.