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J. D. Bates and Davies, K. W., Quaking aspen woodland after conifer control: Tree and shrub dynamics, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 409, pp. 233 - 240, 2018.
J. D. Bates, Svejcar, T., and Miller, R. F., Effects of juniper cutting on nitrogen mineralization, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 221 - 234, 2002.
W. Juniper, Managing Western Juniper for Wildlife, 2001.
R. F. Miller and Tausch, R. J., The role of fire in pinyon and juniper woodlands: a descriptive analysis., in Fire Conference 2000: The First National Congress On Fire, Ecology, Prevention And Management. Invasive Species Workshop: The Role of Fire In The Control And Spread Of Invasive Species., 2001.
The role of fire in the control and spread of invasive species (entire publication), Fire Conference 2000: First National Congress on Fire Ecology, Prevention and Management. Tallahassee, FL, 2001.
J. Buckhouse, Juniper and watersheds, History, Ecology, and Management, p. 25, 1999.