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Journal Article
J. J. Wu, Adams, R., and Plantinga, A. J., Amenities in an urban equilibrium model: Residential development in Portland, Oregon, Land Economics, vol. 80, pp. 19–32, 2004.
J. J. Wu and Plantinga, A. J., The influence of public open space on urban spatial structure, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 46, pp. 288–309, 2003.
C. A. Grout, Jaeger, W., and Plantinga, A. J., Land-use regulations and property values in Portland, Oregon: A regression discontinuity design approach, Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 98 - 107, 2011.
H. Eichman, Hunt, G. L., Kerkvliet, J., and Plantinga, A. J., Local employment growth, migration, and public land policy: Evidence from the Northwest Forest Plan, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 35, pp. 316–333, 2010.
C. Grout, Plantinga, A. J., and Jaeger, W., Pay or Waive: An Economic Assessment of Property Owner Compensation Laws in the United States, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 103 - 119, 2014.
D. Lewis, Plantinga, A. J., and Wu, J. J., Targeting incentives to reduce habitat fragmentation, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 91, pp. 1080–1096, 2009.
W. Jaeger, Plantinga, A. J., Chang, H., Dello, K., Grant, G., Hulse, D., McDonnell, J. J., Lancaster, S., Moradkhani, H., Morzillo, A. T., Mote, P., Nolin, A., Santelmann, M., and Wu, J. J., Toward a formal definition of water scarcity in natural-human systems, Water Resources Research, vol. 49, no. 7, pp. 4506 - 4517, 2013.