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P. D. Shirk, Shapiro, J. P., Reitz, S. R., Thomas, J. M. G., Koenig, R. L., Hay-Roe, M. M., and Buss, L. J., Predator-Prey Relationships on Apiaceae at an Organic Farm, Environmental Entomology, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 487 - 496, 2012.
R. A. Boydston, Felix, J., and Al-Khatib, K., Preemergence Herbicides for Potential Use in Potato Production, Weed Technology, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 731 - 739, 2012.
N. Fadhilah K. Aripin, Park, J. Won, and Park, H. Jin, Preparation of vesicle drug carrier from palm oil- and palm kernel oil-based glycosides, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, vol. 95, pp. 144 - 153, 2012.
J. McIver, Erickson, K. L., and Youngblood, A., Principal short-term findings of the National Fire and Fire Surrogate study, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR, 2012.
R. Sheley and Smith, B. S., Prioritizing Invasive Plant Management Strategies, Rangelands, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 11 - 14, 2012.
H. Zhang, Jin, Y., Deng, Y., Wang, D., and Zhao, Y., Production of chitin from shrimp shell powders using Serratia marcescens B742 and Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014 successive two-step fermentation., Carbohydr Res, vol. 362, pp. 13-20, 2012.
J. R. Clark, Strik, B. C., Thompson, E., and Finn, C. E., Progress and challenges in primocane-fruiting blackberry breeding and cultural management, Acta Hort., vol. 926, pp. 387-392, 2012.
S. C. Baker, Sremba, A. L., and Martin, A. R., Proposal to the Scientific Committee: Single nuclear polymorphism (SNP) discovery and diversity in bones from South Georgia Island and contemporary Antarctic blue whales: a request for access to IDCR-SOWER biopsy samples (1990-2009), Panama City, Panama, 2012.
S. C. Baker, b>Sremba*, A. L. </b> <, and Martin, A. R., Proposal to the Scientific Committee: Single nuclear polymorphism (SNP) discovery and diversity in bones from South Georgia Island and contemporary Antarctic blue whales: a request for access to IDCR-SOWER biopsy samples (1990-2009), Panama City, Panama, 2012.
D. W. Bohnert, Schauer, C. S., and Van Emon, M. L., Protein Supplementation of Low-Quality Forage: Effects of Amount and Frequency on Intake and Nutrient Digestibility by Lambs, Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 2012.
R. B. M., DeNoma, J., Wada, S., and Postman, J., Protocols for Micropropagation of Selected Economically-Important Horticultural Plants, Springer. NY: , 2012.
M. I. Vales, Brown, C. R., Yilma, S., Hane, D. C., James, S. R., Shock, C. C., Charlton, B. A., Karaagac, E., Mosley, A. R., Culp, D., Feibert, E., Stark, J. C., Pavek, M. J., Knowles, N. R., Novy, R. G., and Whitworth, J. L., Purple Pelisse: A Specialty ‘Fingerling’ Potato with Purple Skin and Flesh and Medium Specific Gravity, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 89, no. 4, pp. 306 - 314, 2012.
S. L. Massey Simonich, Motorykin, ii, O., and Jariyasopit, N., PAH intermediates: Links between the atmosphere and biological systems, Chemico-Biological Interactions, vol. 192, no. 1-2, pp. 26 - 29, 2011.
J. M. Antle, Parsimonious Multi-Dimensional Impact Assessment., American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 93, no. 5, 2011.
J. M. Antle, Parsimonious Multi-dimensional Impact Assessment, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 93, no. 5, pp. 1292 - 1311, 2011.
N. Ochiai, Dragila, M., and Parke, J. L., Pattern swimming of Phytophthora citricola zoospores: an example of microbial bioconvection., Fungal Biol, vol. 115, no. 3, pp. 228-35, 2011.
N. Ochiai, Dragila, M. Ines, and Parke, J., Pattern swimming of Phytophthora citricola zoospores: An example of microbial bioconvection, Fungal Biology, vol. 115, no. 3, pp. 228 - 235, 2011.
M. - Y. Choi, Meer, R. K. Vander, Shoemaker, D. W., and Valles, S. M., PBAN gene architecture and expression in the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, Journal of Insect Physiology, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 161 - 165, 2011.
D. D. Johnson, Davies, K. W., Schreder, P. T., and Chamberlain, A. - M., Perceptions of Ranchers About Medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae (L.) Nevski) Management on Sagebrush Steppe Rangelands, Environmental Management, vol. 48431016283055614881852664141231714581918601018945221, no. 3, pp. 400 - 417, 2011.
M. M. Williams, Boydston, R., Peachey, R. E., and Robinson, D., Performance consistency of reduced atrazine use in sweet corn, Field Crops Res., vol. 121, pp. 96-104, 2011.
M. W. I. Schmidt, Torn, M. S., Abiven, S., Dittmar, T., Guggenberger, G., Janssens, I. A., Kleber, M., ögel-Knabner, I., Lehmann, J., Manning, D. A. C., Nannipieri, P., Rasse, D. P., Weiner, S., and Trumbore, S. E., Persistence of soil organic matter as an ecosystem property, Nature, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 49 - 56, 2011.
S. I. Rondon, Corp, M., Marshall, C., and Van Vleet, S. M., A pest and beneficial insect “train-the-trainer” short course program for the Pacific Northwest, 70th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 55-56, 2011.
D. F. Bradford, Knapp, R. A., Sparling, D. W., Nash, M. S., Stanley, K. A., Tallent-Halsell, N. G., McConnell, L. L., and Simonich, S. L. Massey, Pesticide distributions and population declines of California, USA, alpine frogs, Rana muscosa and Rana sierrae, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 682 - 691, 2011.
R. VanderMeer and Choi, M. - Y., Pheromone Biosynthesis Activating Neuropeptide (PBAN)/Pyrokinin Family of Peptides and Fire Ants, Solenopsis spp, Formosan Entomologist, no. 31, pp. 1-15, 2011.
A. Corey, Moore, A. D., and Leytem, A., Phosphorus in the Calcareous Soils of Southern Idaho: A Literature Review with Implications for Crop Production, Manure Management, and Water Quality, University of Idaho Extension Publication. 2011.