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“Effects of Temperature and Site Characteristics on Phosphorus Dynamics in Four Restored Wetlands: Implications for Wetland Hydrologic Management and Restoration”, Ecological Restoration, vol. 29, pp. 279–291, 2011.
, “Molecular modeling of the binding of pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide to its receptor”, Journal of Insect Physiology, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 803 - 818, 2007.
, “Strategic Supplementation to Manage Fine Fuels in a Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum)−Invaded System”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 89, pp. 61 - 68, 2023.
, Farmers’ Markets: Success, Failure and Management Ecology. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2008.
, “Breaking New Ground: Farmer Perspectives on Organic Transition”, Oregon Tilth and OSU Center for Small Farms & Community Food Systems, Corvallis, OR, 2017.
, “Enhancing Organic Agriculture in Oregon: Research, Education, and Policy”, OSU Extension Service Special Report EM 9050, 2012.
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, , “Things are getting desperate:” What We Know About Farmers’ Markets that Fail”, Journal of Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 2008.
, “The Effects of Forest Fuel-Reduction Treatments in the United States”, BioScience, no. 6, pp. 549 - 560, 2012.
, “Fire treatment effects on vegetation structure, fuels, and potential fire severity in western U.S. forests”, Ecological Applications, vol. 191221782710310147781031413, no. 2, pp. 305 - 320, 2009.
, “Fuel treatment impacts on estimated wildfire carbon loss from forests in Montana, Oregon, California, and Arizona”, Ecosphere, vol. 3, no. 5, p. art38, 2012.
, “Harmonizing rangeland interests”, Agricultural Research, vol. 42, p. 14, 1994.
, “Rangeland can improve with grazing”, Agricultural Research, vol. 43, pp. 15–16, 1995.
, “Influence of transgenic plant tissue decomposition on soil biota population dynamics”, Proceedings of the International Congress of Ecology. Manchester, England., 1994.
, “Influence of transgenic plant tissue decomposition on soil organisms and activities”, Proceedings of 94th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Las Vegas, Nevada, 1994.
, “Influence of transgenic plant tissue on nematodes, microarthropods and microbial population dynamics”, Proceedings of the 22nd International Nematology. Symposium, Belgium, 1994.
, “Evaluating the safety of pesticidal transgenic plants”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Agriculture and the Environment. Rehovot, Israel, 1994.
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“Flow regimes in sandy soils with inclined layers”, Proceedings of 10th Annual AGU-Hydrology Days, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, April, pp. 10–12, 1990.