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D. Damiran, Palatability of Mongolian Rangeland Plants, Circular Information No. 3. Oregon State University, Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Station, Union, Oregon, USA, p. 95, 2005.
D. A. Dalton, Murthy, G., and Strauss, S. H., Production of traditional and novel biopolymers in transgenic woody plants, in Phytochemicals, Plant Growth, and the Environment, Springer New York, 2013, pp. 59–78.
M. Dalebout, Steel, D., and C. Baker, S., Phylogeny of the Beaked Whale Genus Mesoplodon (Ziphiidae: Cetacea) Revealed by Nuclear Introns: Implications for the Evolution of Male Tusks, Systematic Biology, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 857 - 875, 2008.
K. M. Daane, Sime, K. R., Wang, X. - G., Nadel, H., Johnson, M. W., Walton, V. M., Kirk, A., and Pickett, C. H., Psyttalia lounsburyi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), potential biological control agent for the olive fruit fly in California, Biological Control, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 79 - 89, 2008.
G. D., Stock, T., Nair, S., Shujuan, L., Bryks, S., Hurley, J., and Fournier, A. J., Preparing Your School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan, Arizona Cooperative Extension publication, vol. AZ1669, 2015.
G. D., Nair, S., Shujuan, L., and Stock, T., Pest-Proofing Your Home, Arizona Cooperative Extension publication, vol. AZ1677, 2015.
J. M. Crosslin, Rondon, S. I., and Hamm, P. B., Population Dynamics of the Beet Leafhopper in Northeastern Oregon and Incidence of the Beet Leafhopper-Transmitted Virescence Agent Phytoplasma, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 89, no. 13, pp. 82 - 88, 2012.
J. M. Crosslin, Rondon, S. I., and Hamm, P. B., Population dynamics of the beet leafhopper in northern Oregon and incidence of the Columbia Basin potato purple top phytoplasma, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 89, pp. 82-88, 2012.
V. H. Dale and Denton, E. M., Plant Succession on the Mount St. Helens Debris-Avalanche Deposit and the Role of Non-native Species. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2018, pp. 149 - 164.
M. M. Cox and Tullos, D., Processing of a fine sediment pulse after dam removal: sediment mass balance and longitudinal trends, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.
A. Corey, Moore, A. D., and Leytem, A., Phosphorus in the Calcareous Soils of Southern Idaho: A Literature Review with Implications for Crop Production, Manure Management, and Water Quality, University of Idaho Extension Publication. 2011.
L. Cooper and Jaiswal, P., The Plant Ontology: A Tool for Plant Genomics., in Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), vol. 1374, 2016, pp. 89-114.
L. Cooper, Walls, R. L., Elser, J., Gandolfo, M. A., Stevenson, D. W., Smith, B., Preece, J., Athreya, B., Mungall, C. J., Rensing, S., Hiss, M., Lang, D., Reski, R., Berardini, T. Z., Li, D., Huala, E., Schaeffer, M., Menda, N., Arnaud, E., Shrestha, R., Yamazaki, Y., and Jaiswal, P., The Plant Ontology As A Tool For Comparative Plant Anatomy And Genomic Analyses., Plant & Cell Physiology, 2012.
L. Cooper, Meier, A., Laporte, M. - A., Elser, J. L., Mungall, C., Sinn, B. T., Cavaliere, D., Carbon, S., Dunn, N. A., Smith, B., Qu, B., Preece, J., Zhang, E., Todorovic, S., Gkoutos, G., Doonan, J. H., Stevenson, D. W., Arnaud, E., and Jaiswal, P., The Planteome database: an integrated resource for reference ontologies, plant genomics and phenomics., Nucleic acids research, vol. 46, pp. D1168-D1180, 2018.
R. F. Cooke, Cappellozza, B. Ieda, Reis, M. M., Bohnert, D. W., and Vasconcelos, J. L. M., Plasma progesterone concentration in beef heifers receiving exogenous glucose, insulin, or bovine somatotropin1, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 9045174176944185768873431281678749181873269859038749362587567708471377711274609382398121, no. 9Suppl. 3ESuppl. 2, pp. 3266 - 3273, 2012.
R. Contreras and Ruter, J. M., Preliminary efforts to induce polyploidy in Cryptomeria japonica., Proc. 53rd Ann. SNA Res. Conf., vol. 53:159-161. 2008.
R. Constantine, Russell, K., Gibbs, N., Childerhouse, S., and C. Baker, S., Photo-identification of humpback whales in New Zealand waters and their migratory connections to breeding grounds of Oceania, Marine Mammal Science, 2007.
S. Conn, Curtin, C. D., Bézier, A., Franco, C., and Zhang, W., Purification, molecular cloning, and characterization of glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) from pigmented Vitis vinifera L. cell suspension cultures as putative anthocyanin transport proteins., J Exp Bot, vol. 59, no. 13, pp. 3621-34, 2008.
D. R. Conklin, Bachelet, D., Kuhn, B., Panek, J. A., and van Wagtendonk, J. W., Potential Disappearance of Subalpine Vegetation from Yosemite, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2008.
T. Comendant, ,, Ward, B. C., Bachelet, D., Grossman, D., Stevenson-Molnar, N., Henifin, K., Lundin, M., Marvin, T. S., Peterman, W. L., and , Principles and Best Practices Emerging from Data Basin: A Data Platform Supporting Scientific Research and Landscape Conservation Planning, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013.
J. R. Clark, Strik, B. C., Thompson, E., and Finn, C. E., Progress and challenges in primocane-fruiting blackberry breeding and cultural management, Acta Hort., vol. 926, pp. 387-392, 2012.
R. S. Cipriano, Cooke, R. F., Rodrigues, A. D., Silva, L. G. T., Bohnert, D. W., Marques, R. S., Vasconcelos, J. L. M., Pires, A. V., and Cerri, R. L. A., Post–Artificial Insemination Supplementation with Calcium Salts of Soybean Oil Influences Pregnancy Establishment Factors in Bos Indicus Beef Cows, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 94, no. 11, pp. 4892 - 4902, 2016.
S. Christiansen, Ryan, J., Singh, M., Ates, S., Bahhady, F., Mohamed, K., Youssef, O., and Loss, S., Potential legume alternatives to fallow and wheat monoculture for Mediterranean environments, Crop and Pasture Science, vol. 66, no. 2, p. 113, 2015.
M. - Y. Choi, Groot, A., and Jurenka, R. A., Pheromone biosynthetic pathways in the moths Heliothis subflexa and Heliothis virescens, Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 53 - 58, 2005.
M. - Y. Choi, Raina, A., and Meer, R. K. Vander, PBAN/pyrokinin peptides in the central nervous system of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, Cell and Tissue Research, vol. 335, no. 2, pp. 431 - 439, 2009.