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Journal Article
K. W. Davies, Bates, J. D., and Svejcar, L., Native Lagomorphs Prolong Legacy Effects Limiting Restoration of Imperiled Shrub‐Steppe Communities, Restoration Ecology, vol. 31, no. 4, 2023.
J. D. Bates and Davies, K. W., Native Perennial Forb Variation Between Mountain Big Sagebrush and Wyoming Big Sagebrush Plant Communities, Environmental Management, vol. 46474728597019676115854252262367432393132, no. 3, pp. 452 - 458, 2010.
D. R. Clenet, Native Seeds Incorporated into Activated Carbon Pods Applied Concurrently with Indaziflam: A New Strategy for Restoring Annual-Invaded Communities?, Restoration Ecology, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 738-744, 2019.
A. M. Nafus, Native Vegetation Composition in Crested Wheatgrass in Northwestern Great Basin, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 9-18, 2020.
P. N. Miklas, Fourie, é, Trapp, J., Myers, J. R., and Davies, K. W., New Loci Including Pse-6 Conferring Resistance to Halo Bacterial Blight on Chromosome Pv04 in Common Bean, Crop Science, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 2099-2108, 2014.
L. Svejcar, Brown, V. S., Ritchie, A. L., Davies, K. W., and Svejcar, T., A New Perspective and Approach to Ecosystem Restoration: a Seed Enhancement Technology Guide and Case Study, Restoration Ecology, 2022.
D. R. Clenet and Davies, K. W., A New Seed Enhancement Technology for Revegetating Exotic Annual Grass-Invaded Rangelands, Oregon Cattleman, vol. February , pp. 24-27, 2020.
K. W. Davies, Nafus, A. M., and Sheley, R., Non-native competitive perennial grass impedes the spread of an invasive annual grass, Biological Invasions, vol. 124435910772294718106155615960884812671907127156786905445181013121501, no. 9, pp. 3187 - 3194, 2010.