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“Feasibility Analysis of Poly-ß-Hydroxybutyrate (PHB) Extraction from Hybrid Poplar Leaves”, in 2010 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 20-June 23, 2010, 2010.
, “Field Measurements In The Atmospheric Boundary Layer: From Subgrid-scales To The Inversion Top”, in EGS General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2002.
, “Fodder dissemination for soil conservation in the central Kenyan highlands”, in 10th Congress of the International Soil Conservation Organization, 1999.
, “Genome sequences of two field isolates of Bean common mosaic virus”, in PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 2012.
, “A Global Mass Balance of Isotope Ratios in Hydrologic Fluxes Provides Constraints on Terrestrial and Oceanic Water Cycling”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
, “Heat and water vapor fluxes over a lake: a LES and field campaign investigation.”, in 9th EMS Annual Meeting, 9th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) Abstracts, held Sept. 28-Oct. 2, 2009 in Toulouse, France. http://meetings. copernicus. org/ems2009/, id. EMS2009-229., 2009.
, “High-Yield Tropical Biomass for Advanced Biofuels”, in Sun Grant National Conference, 2012.
“High-Yield Tropical Biomass for Advanced Biofuels”, in Sun Grant National Conference, 2012.
“High-Yield Tropical Biomass for Advanced Biofuels”, in Sun Grant National Conference, 2012.
“Influence of a Grazing System and Aspect, North vs. South, on the Nutritional Quality of Forages, and Performance and Distribution of Cattle Grazing Forested Rangelands”, in Proceedings of the Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, 2000.
, “Insect grazers on the cold desert biome”, in 1 st International Rangeland Congress, 1978.
, “Interactive Design and Visualization of N-ary Relationships”, in SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Symposium on Visualization, New York, NY, USA, 2017.
, “Isotopic metrics for structure, connectivity, and residence time in urban water supply systems”, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2014.
, “Large Eddy Simulation over three-dimensional mountain topography”, in 9th EMS Annual Meeting, 9th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) Abstracts, held Sept. 28-Oct. 2, 2009 in Toulouse, France. http://meetings. copernicus. org/ems2009/, id. EMS2009-117., 2009.
, “Large-eddy simulation of the convective atmospheric boundary layer over heterogeneous land surfaces”, in Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 2009.
, “Measuring vegetation water content by looking at trees blowing in the wind”, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2013.
, “Methodological developments in in-situ measurement and visualization of colloid transport processes in the subsurface”, in GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Salt Lake City UT, 2005.
, “Monitoring fluid velocity using Active-Distributed Temperature Sensing (A-DTS)”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
, “Potential Disappearance of Subalpine Vegetation from Yosemite”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2008.
, “Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Carbon Sequestration and Ecosystems in the Conterminous US: Analyses from six VEMAP Models”, in IGBP Open Science Conference, 2001.
“Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Carbon Sequestration and Ecosystems in the Conterminous US: Analyses from six VEMAP Models”, in IGBP Open Science Conference, 2001.
, “Production of slaughter steers grazing crested wheatgrass and irrigated pasture in eastern Oregon”, in Proc West Sect Am Soc Anim Sci, 1977.
, “Providing climate change information to managers: interpreting the science and estimating the uncertainty”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010.