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D. Bachelet, Lenihan, J. M., Daly, C., Neilson, R. P., Ojima, D. S., and Parton, W. J., MC1: a dynamic vegetation model for estimating the distribution of vegetation and associated ecosystem fluxes of carbon, nutrients, and water, Pacific Northwest Station General Technical Report PNW-GTR-508, 2001.
D. Bachelet, Lenihan, J., and Neilson, R., Regional differences in carbon source-sink potential in the US, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2001.
D. Bachelet, Influence of Elevated CO 2 and Temperature on Wetland Rice Root Dynamics, 農業気象, vol. 48, pp. 783–786, 1993.
D. Bachelet, Strittholt, J., Ward, B. C., Sheehan, T., Comendant, T., Lenihan, J. M., and Osborne-Gowey, J., Data Basin Climate Center: where to get datasets, manipulate them, and generate practical answers, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
D. Bachelet, Lenihan, J., Drapek, R., and Neilson, R., VEMAP vs VINCERA: A DGVM sensitivity to differences in climate scenarios, Global and Planetary Change, vol. 64, pp. 38–48, 2008.
D. Bachelet, Baker, B., Hicke, J., McKelvey, K., and Conklin, D., Data gathering and simulation of climate change impacts in mountainous areas, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2007.
D. Bachelet, History and General Description of the Dynamic Global Vegetation Model MC1, Global Vegetation Dynamics: Concepts and Applications in the MC1 Model, pp. 1–16, 2015.
D. Bachelet, Ferschweiler, K., Sheehan, T., and Strittholt, J., Climate change effects on southern California deserts, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 127, pp. 17–29, 2016.
D. Bachelet, Lenihan, J. M., and Neilson, R. P., MC: Corvallis Dynamic Vegetation Model. Oregon State University, 1999.
D. Bachelet, Ferschweiler, K., Sheehan, T., Zhu, Z., and Sleeter, B. M., Humans and fire shape the land: climate change only exacerbates the trends, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013.
D. Bachelet, Brown, D., Böhm, M., and Russell, P., Climate change in Thailand and its potential impact on rice yield, Climatic change, vol. 21, pp. 347–366, 1992.
D. Bachelet, Kelly, R., and Parton, W. J., Carbon sequestration in grasslands: grazing versus fire under climate change, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
D. Bachelet, Rice paddy inventory in a few provinces of China using AVHRR data, Geocarto International, vol. 10, pp. 23–38, 1995.
D. Bachelet, Is this what you need? Direct feedback help climate change information exchange, in 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, 2015.
D. Bachelet, Neilson, R. P., Hickler, T., Drapek, R. J., Lenihan, J. M., Sykes, M. T., Smith, B., Sitch, S., and Thonicke, K., Simulating past and future dynamics of natural ecosystems in the United States, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, vol. 17, 2003.
D. Bachelet, Drapek, R. J., and Mapss, T., Is the size of the Carbon Sink caused by, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2002.
R. Baalbaki, Elias, S., Copeland, L. O., and Liu, H., Seed Testing Tolerances, in Seed Technologists Training Manual, Washington, DC: Society of Commercial Seed Technologists, 2018.
R. Z. Baalbaki, Elias, S. G., Copeland, L. O., and Liu, H., Seed Testing Tolerances, in Seed Technologists Training Manual, Washington, D.C.: Society of Commercial Seed Technologists, 2018.
R. Baalbaki, Elias, S., Filho, J. M., and McDonald, M. B., Seed Vigor Testing Handbook. Washington, DC: Association of Official Seed Analysis, 2009.
R. Z. Baalbaki, Elias, S. G., Filho, J. M., and McDonald, M. B., Seed Vigor Testing Handbook. Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA)., 2009.
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S. B., Josephine County Fair: A Brief Economic Analysis, 2007.
M. B., J., B. D., and Walton, V. M., Relationship of Black Vine Weevil Egg Density and Damage to Two Cranberry Cultivars, HortSci, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 1-7, 2012.
W. B. and Sorte, B., Oregon Agriculture and the Economy, 2008.
W. B. and Crandall, M., Defining Rural Oregon: An Exploration, EM-8937-E, 2007.