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V. Adams and M., G. D., Federal Land Management and County Government: 1908-2008 - A Report of the “Changing Federal County Payments Policy and Rural Oregon Counties: Impacts and Options” Project., Rural Studies Program Working Paper Series, 2008.
R. Adams, Managing the Columbia River: Instream Flows, Water Withdrawals, and Salmon Survival. The National Academies Press" address = "Washington, DC, 2004.
R. Adams, Houston, L. L., McCarl, B. A., Tiscareño, M., Matus, J., and Weiher, R. F., The benefits to Mexican agriculture of an El Niño-southern oscillation (ENSO) early warning system, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 115, pp. 183–194, 2003.
R. Adams, McCarl, B. A., and Mearns, L. O., The Effects of Spatial Scale of Climate Scenarios on Economic Assessments: An Example from U.S. Agriculture, Climatic Change, vol. 60, pp. 131-148, 2003.
V. Adams, Local Government Responses to Fiscal Stress: How do Oregon Counties Compare?, Rural Studies Program Working Paper Series, 2009.
C. Ackerman, Mills, R. R., Dickson, R. L., and Fisher, M. J., Impacts of implants on carcass quality and gross income, American Society of Animal Science, 2001.
Y. AbuDagga, Finite element simulation of heat transfer in Pacific whiting surimi paste during ohmic and conventional heating, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 1995.
A. Cossolino Aboin, Cooke, R. F., Vieira, F. Victor Rod, Leiva, T., and Vasconcelos, J. L. M., Effects of bovine somatotropin injection on serum concentrations of progesterone in non-lactating dairy cows, Livestock Science, vol. 154, no. 1-3, pp. 240 - 245, 2013.
C. C. Abnet, Tanguay, R. L., Heideman, W., and Peterson, R. E., Transactivation activity of human, zebrafish, and rainbow trout aryl hydrocarbon receptors expressed in COS-7 cells: greater insight into species differences in toxic potency of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin, dibenzofuran, and biphenyl congeners., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, vol. 159, no. 1, pp. 41-51, 1999.
C. C. Abnet, Tanguay, R. L., Hahn, M. E., Heideman, W., and Peterson, R. E., Two forms of aryl hydrocarbon receptor type 2 in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Evidence for differential expression and enhancer specificity., J Biol Chem, vol. 274, no. 21, pp. 15159-66, 1999.
C. C. Abnet, Tanguay, R. L., Heideman, W., and Peterson, R. E., Transactivation Activity of Human, Zebrafish, and Rainbow Trout Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptors Expressed in COS-7 Cells: Greater Insight into Species Differences in Toxic Potency of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxin, Dibenzofuran, and Biphenyl Congeners, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol. 159, no. 1, pp. 41 - 51, 1999.
J. Aber, Neilson, R. P., McNulty, S., Lenihan, J. M., Bachelet, D., and Drapek, R. J., Forest processes and global environmental change: Predicting the effects of individual and multiple stressors we review the effects of several rapidly changing environmental drivers on ecosystem function, discuss interactions among them, BioScience, vol. 51, pp. 735–751, 2001.
J. Aber, Neilson, R. P., McNulty, S., Lenihan, J. M., Bachelet, D., and Drapek, R. J., Overview articles-a special section on climate change and forest ecosystems-forest processes and global environmental change: Predicting the effects of individual and multiple stressors, 2001.
M. A. B. Abdallah, Mata-González, R., Ochoa, C., and Noller, J. S., Aboveground and belowground carbon in treated and untreated western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) systems in Oregon, International Meeting on Carbon. Alamos, Sonora, Mexico, 2018.
M. A. B. Abdallah, Mata-González, R., Martin, D. W., Noller, J. S., and Wan, C., Consequences of Surface and Subsurface Water Use on Wetland Graminoids of Different Geographic Origin, Wetlands, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 121 - 131, 2018.
M. A. B. Abdallah, Mata-González, R., Martin, D. W., Trejo-Calzada, R., and Noller, J. S., Effects of surface and subsurface water application on nitrogen and sodium relations of desert graminoids of different geographic origin, Arid Land Research and Management, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 1 - 13, 2017.
Z. T. Aanderud, Richards, J. H., Svejcar, T., and James, J. J., A Shift in Seasonal Rainfall Reduces Soil Organic Carbon Storage in a Cold Desert, Ecosystems, vol. 13401469644372313506352306440513778892891056583141103513772989431419420451298886242396538448, no. 5, pp. 673 - 682, 2010.
A. A.T., Islam, M. A., Zheljazkov, V. D., Ritten, J. P., and Garcia, A., Grass-Legume Seed Mass Ratios and Nitrogen Rates Affect Forage Accumulation, Nutritive Value, and Profitability, Crop Science, vol. 57, pp. 2852-2864, 2017.
R. A.S., Starch in foods, in Carbohydrate Chemistry, 2011.
R. A.S. and D.W., H., Guidelines for the laboratory manufacture of Asian wheat-flour noodles, Cereal Foods World, 2005.
R. A.S., Whole-grain and fiber-enriched noodles, in Fibre-rich and wholegrain foods: improving quality, 2013.
R. A.S. and A.D., B., Passing the test on wheat end-use quality, in Wheat: science and trade, 2009.
R. A.S., M.D., F., R.S., Z., and T., K., Effect of grain protein concentration on Falling Number of un-germinated soft-white winter wheat, Cereal Chemistry, 2012.
R. A.S. and J.-B., O., Sheeting Characteristics of Salted and Alkaline Asian Noodle Doughs: Comparison with Lubricated Squeezing Flow Attributes, Cereal Foods World, 2006.
R. A.S. and G.B, C., Wheat-flour factors influencing noodle texture, in Asian Noodles: Science, Technology, and Processing, 2010.