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“Quality of Life Impacts of Bed Bug (Cimex lectularis L.) Infestations”, 8th International IPM Symposium. Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015.
, “Quality of Life Impacts of Bed Bug (Cimex lectularis L.) Infestations”, 8th International IPM Symposium. Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015.
, “Quantification and Scaling of Infiltration and Percolation from a Constructed Wetland”, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, vol. 20, p. 04015007, 2015.
, “Quantification and Scaling of Infiltration and Percolation from a Constructed Wetland”, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, vol. 20, p. 04015007, 2015.
, “Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with the Tocochromanol (Vitamin E) Pathway in Barley.”, PloS one, vol. 10, p. e0133767, 2015.
, “Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with the Tocochromanol (Vitamin E) Pathway in Barley”, PLOS ONE, vol. 10, no. 7, p. e0133767, 2015.
, Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental SciencesIntroduction to Sustainability as a Distinct Worldview with Emphasis on the Ecological Domain. Elsevier, 2015.
, “The Relationships between Development and Low Temperature Tolerance in Barley Near Isogenic Lines Differing for Flowering Behavior”, Plant and Cell Physiology, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 2312 - 2324, 2015.
, “Relative Influence of Trans-Pacific and Regional Atmospheric Transport of PAHs in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.”, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 49, no. 23, pp. 13807 - 13816, 2015.
, “Relative Influence of Trans-Pacific and Regional Atmospheric Transport of PAHs in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.”, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 49, no. 23, pp. 13807 - 13816, 2015.
, “Reproductive constraints influence habitat accessibility, segregation, and preference of sympatric albatross species”, Movement Ecology, no. 1, 2015.
, “Request for Colorado potato beetles samples for dispersal study”, Potato Progress , vol. XV, 2015.
, “Response of blackberry cultivars to fertilizer source during establishment in an organic fresh market production system.”, HortTechnology, vol. 25, pp. 277-292, 2015.
, “Responses of seagrass to anthropogenic and natural disturbances do not equally translate to its consumers”, Global Change Biology, no. 11, pp. 4021 - 4030, 2015.
, “Risk behaviors and self-reported illnesses among Pacific Northwest surfers”, Journal of Water and Health, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 230, 2015.
, “Role of propagule pressure and priority effects on seedlings during invasion and restoration of shrub-steppe”, Biological Invasions, vol. 1720133517851104178117170819151713790100697418521676998483212171901177556164193422194347911878192496693, no. 1, pp. 73 - 85, 2015.
, “Role of propagule pressure and priority effects on seedlings during invasion and restoration of shrub-steppe”, Biological Invasions, vol. 1720133517851104178117170819151713790100697418521676998483212171901177556164193422194347911878192496693, no. 1, pp. 73 - 85, 2015.
, , “Screening of potato breeding clones for response to zebra chip (ZC) disease and observations on Lso titer and ZC symptom expression in foliage and tuber”, Proceedings of the 99th Annnul Potato Association of America. Potato Association of America, Portland, Maine, p. 73, 2015.
, “A search for protein biomarkers links olfactory signal transduction to social immunity”, BMC Genomics, vol. 16, no. 1, p. 63, 2015.
, “A search for protein biomarkers links olfactory signal transduction to social immunity”, BMC Genomics, vol. 16, p. 1, 2015.
, “A search for protein biomarkers links olfactory signal transduction to social immunity”, BMC Genomics , vol. 16, p. 63, 2015.
, “Seasonal variation in leaf nutrient concentration of northern highbush blueberry cultivars grown in conventional and organic production systems”, HortScience, 2015.
, “Seasonal variation in mineral nutrient content of primocane-fruiting blackberry leaves”, HortScience, vol. 50, pp. 540-545, 2015.
, “Seed and seedling traits affecting critical life stage transitions and recruitment outcomes in dryland grasses”, Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 5213024165487229155987499256193523154502223296023716715481011761251008222704930398219283216189822195164410036649879187, no. 1, pp. 199 - 209, 2015.