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Jeff Reimer

Department Head and Professor
jeff.reimer [at]

Office: 541-737-1415

Ballard Extension Hall

Ballard Extension Hall 231

2591 SW Campus Way

2591 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331

Fields: International trade, agricultural economics, applied general equilibrium analysis, regional economic modeling, price analysis, farm labor


I grew up on a grain and livestock farm in Illinois, discovered economics in college, spent time living in Bangladesh and the Dominican Republic, and since 2005 have been a professor of applied economics at Oregon State University in Corvallis.  I study the economics of agriculture not only because of my personal background in agriculture, but because it touches everyone's life in a fundamental way, and is a unique, innovative, and dynamic part of the economy.

Google Scholar page                

  • Purdue University, Ph.D. 2003
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, B.S. 1994, M.S. 1999

Editor:  Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics

I have published in many journals including the Journal of International Economics, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Review of International Economics, Journal of Regional Science, World Development, Economic Inquiry, Environmental Research Letters, and Applied Economics Policy and Perspectives.

Research topics:

  • Analysis of government policies concerning international trade, nutrition programs, and agriculture
  • How trade costs and consumer preferences affect trade patterns
  • Barriers to export participation among firms
  • Agricultural labor issues
  • Commodity price analysis and price forecasting
  • Regional economic modeling of agricultural issues
  • Applied general equilibrium modeling
  • Factor content of trade, virtual water trade
  • Hemp and biofuel supply chains

I have advised numerous graduate students and am past director of the Applied Economics Graduate Program

Teaching: quantitative price and market analysis, international trade theory and policy, intermediate micro-economic theory, applied econometrics