The Department of Applied Economics has a long history of helping graduate students from around the world realize their potential. The department awarded its first M.S. degree in 1935 and first Ph.D. degree in 1949. A sample of more recent initial placements is below.
Last Name | First Name | Degree | Year | Initial Placement | Dissertation or Master's Thesis/Project |
Abarca | Alejandro | PhD | 2024 | Assistant Professor of Practice, Texas Tech University | Three Essays on Applied Economics, Crime, Violence, and Development |
Gjerdseth | Emma | PhD | 2024 | Postdoctoral Scholar, Yale University | Environmental Policy and Economic Incentives: Three Essays |
Sugiyama | Amod | PhD | 2024 | Postdoctoral Scholar, Oregon State University | Three Essays on the Economics of Environmental Regulations and Climate Change |
Thompson | Charles | PhD | 2024 | Postdoctoral Scholar, University of California, San Diego | Three Essays on the Environment, Human Behavior, and the Influence of History |
Vasan | Thamanna | PhD | 2024 | Economist, Bureau of Reclamation | Fish or Flight: The Role of Accident Risk in Commercial Fishing Decision-Making |
Mounts | Devin | MS | 2024 | Senior Strategy and Planning Analyst, Portland General Electric | Canceled: A New Reliability Incentive in Texas' Electricity Market |
Dame | Russel | PhD | 2023 | Economist, NOAA Fisheries Alaska Fisheries Science Center | Three Essays on Recreation Demand for Saltwater Fisheries in Alaska |
Lowe Mackenzie | Ashely | PhD | 2023 | Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Hawaii | Understanding the New Outdoor Recreation Paradigm in the Era of Social Media and Increasing Public Health Advisories |
Wang | Yuhan | PhD | 2023 | Postdoctoral Scholar, Oregon State University | Empirical Analyses of the Impact of Climate-induced Natural Disturbances on the Economic Value of U.S. Forest |
Zhao | Zichu | PhD | 2023 | Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Le Moyne College | Econometric Analysis of Private Decisions on Renewable Natural Resources |
Hadziomerspahic | Amila | PhD | 2022 | EPA, National Center for Environmental Economics | Valuing Coastal Risk with Revealed and Stated Preference Methods |
Johnson | Kelsey | PhD | 2022 | Postdoctoral Scholar, Boise State | Empirical Analyses of Forestry Interactions with Climate Uncertainty and Threatened Species |
Natanson | Alexander | PhD | 2022 | Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Wisconsin | Applied Economic Strategies to Evaluate Policy and Environmental Outcomes: Case Studies from Immigration and Ecosystem Services |
Weerasekara | Nadeeka | PhD | 2022 | Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Idaho, Boise | Consumer Food Choices: Three Essays on the Importance of Option Saliency, Peer and Expert Information, and Uncertainty |
Fouzia | Sultana | PhD | 2021 |
Postdoctoral Scholar, California Policy Lab at UC Berkeley |
An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Climate-related Disasters on the Regional Economy |
Guerrero | Isabel | PhD | 2021 | Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), Lima, Perú | Agrobiodiversity Conservation Planning in Centers of Origin: The Role of Culture |
Kulkarni | Kedar | PhD | 2021 | Assistant Professor (tenure track), Dept. of Economics, Azim Premji University, India | Quantifying Vulnerability of Agricultural Systems in India to Weather Extremes |
Rossi | David | PhD | 2021 | Research Associate, North Carolina State University | A Microeconomic Analysis of Wildfire Suppression Programs in the Western United States |
Shi | Jian | PhD | 2021 | Assistant Professor, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China | Effects of Water Scarcity, Climate Variability, and Risk Management Policy on Adaptive Agricultural Production Decisions |
Adams | Chase | MS | 2021 | Credit Officer, Northwest Farm Credit Services | Oregon Wine Grape Growers’ Participation Rates in USDA Subsidized Insurance |
Hussain | Lima | MS | 2021 | Analyst, Cadeo Group, Portland, OR |
Estimating the Influence of the Urban Heat Island Effect on Housing Prices |
Cho | Seojin | PhD | 2020 | Postdoctoral Scholar, Oregon State University |
Price-Endogenous Farm Technology Adoption and Ex-Ante Economic Impact Assessment |
Nguyen | Tu | PhD | 2020 | Postdoctoral Scholar, Dalhousie University |
Three Essays on the Economics of Habitat and Landscape Restoration |
Ray | Srabashi | PhD | 2020 | Postdoctoral Scholar, Purdue University |
Impact Evaluation of Agricultural Inputs on Productivity, Profitability and Food Security in Rural Tanzania: Ex-post and Ex-ante Analysis |
Weinerman | Michael | PhD | 2020 | Senior Research Analyst, Criminal Justice Commission, State of Oregon | Animal Farming, Pollution, and Community Health |
Kato | Nozomi | MS | 2020 | Senior Associate, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Japan | Impacts of Climate Change on Fuel Management Decisions and Implications for Fire Risk |
Kratzer | Aaron | MS | 2020 |
PhD student, U. of California Berkeley |
Is Colony Collapse Disorder Real? Testing and Separating Worker Bee Disappearance |
Lowe | Ashley | MS | 2020 | PhD student, Oregon State University |
The Instagram Effect: Is Social Media Changing our Demand for Public Land? |
Thompson | Charles | MS | 2020 | PhD student, Oregon State University |
Effects of the Little Ice Age on Fuel Prices |
Wang | Yuhan | MS | 2020 |
PhD student, Oregon State University |
Fiscal Impacts of Open Space Conservation in U.S. Urban Areas |
Zimmerman | Grant | MS | 2020 | Associate, WestWater Research | Estimating the Value of Water for Irrigation in Deschutes County, Oregon Utilizing a Hedonic Pricing Model |
Beasley | Jason | PhD | 2019 | Assistant Professor, Western Michigan University | Beaches, Wine, and Weed: Economic Implications of Land Use Changes in Oregon |
Li | An | PhD | 2019 | Assistant Professor, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China | Economic Analysis of U.S. Agricultural Labor Markets |
Finer | Cassie | PhD | 2019 | Research Analyst/Product Manager, YES Energy | An Empirical Analysis of Climate and Risk on Rural Productive Land |
Vasquez-Caballero |
Smit | PhD | 2019 |
Postdoctoral Fellow, Future Oceans Lab, University of Vigo |
Two Essays on the Management of the West Coast Salmon Fishery |
Marshall | Laura | MS | 2019 | Project Associate, ECONorthwest | Drivers of Deconstruction: An Economic Analysis of Dam Removal in the United States |
Adhikari | Roshan | PhD | 2018 | Research Associate, Global Development Institute, University of Manchester, UK | Assessment of Climate Impacts and Adaptation Measures in Agriculture: An Integrated Modeling Approach |
Long | Dede | PhD | 2018 | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics, California State University - Long Beach | The Impacts of Urban Environmental Policies on Infant Birth Weight: Integrating Health and Sorting Models |
Mihiar | Chris | PhD | 2018 | Postdoctoral Scholar, U.S. Forest Service and Oregon State University | An Econometric Analysis of the Impact of Climate Change on Forest Land Value and Broad Land-use Change |
Sloggy | Matthew | PhD | 2018 | Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Agricultural Economics, Colorado State University | Advances in Modeling Natural Resource Management under Uncertainty: Forest Mortality, Policy Design, and the Value of Information |
Dickson | Caleb | PhD | 2017 | Postdoctoral Scholar, Oregon State University | Examining Agricultural Household Welfare through Output Marketing Choices and Land Market Efficiency: Evidence from Rural India |
Hashida | Yukiko | PhD | 2017 | Postdoctoral Scholar, Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies | How Does Climate Change Adaptation and Carbon Price Policy Affect Forested Landscapes? An Empirical Analysis of Forest Management under Climate Change on the U.S. West Coast |
Lauer | Chris | PhD | 2017 | Office of the Chief Economist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) | Determining Optimal Timber Harvest and Fuel Treatment on a Fire-threatened Landscape Using Approximate Dynamic Programming |
Weerasooriya | Senal | PhD | 2017 | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Business Management, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka | General Equilibrium Analysis of the U.S. Farm Bill |
Yu | Jialing | PhD | 2017 | Assistant Professor, Renmin University, China | Welfare Effects of the Federal Crop Insurance Program: The Sufficient Statistics Approach |
Cusack | Chris | PhD | 2016 | Kravis Postdoctoral Science Fellow, Environmental Defense Fund | Bioeconomic Simulation Modeling of Fisheries : Three Essays |
Cvitanovich | Clare | MS | 2016 | Faculty Research Asst, Oregon State Univiversity | Updated Recreation Use Values Database: Meta-regression and Comparative Analysis |
Wu | Xiurou | MS | 2016 | PhD student, U. of California Davis | How Does Income Inequality Affects Community Economic Resilience? |
Bigelow | Daniel | PhD | 2015 | Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics & Economics, Montana State University | How Do Population Growth, Land-use Regulations, and Precipitation Patterns Affect Water Use? A Fine-scale Empirical Analysis of Landscape Change |
Chen | Yunguang | PhD | 2015 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Resources for the Future (RFF), Washington, DC | Essays on Regional Economic Impact Assessment and Demand Analysis using Disaggregated Data |
Cummings | Sean | MS | 2015 | Procurement Forester, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Philomath, OR | Climate Change Considerations for Determining Optimal Timber Rotation |
Davis | Jacob | MS | 2015 | Econometric Consultant, Bates White Economic Consulting | Endangered Species Conservation Funding Analysis and Optimization |
Hagimoto | Toru | PhD | 2015 | Econometrician\Market Analyst, MarketShare, Japan | Essays of Land Use Changes, Open Space, and Water Pollution |
Hanhan | Nadine | MS | 2015 | Citizens' Utility Board of Oregon | Greening the Grid: The Cost-Effectiveness of Residential Solar Programs in Oregon |
Kovski | Nicole | MS | 2015 | PhD student, Evans School, Univ of Washington | Recreational Boating and the Spread of Eurasian Water Milfoil – Determinants of Boater Demand and the Costs of Prevention Efforts in Wisconsin |
Smith | Tiffany | MS | 2015 | Analyst, Sightlines Facilities Assets Advisors | The Market Opportunity Costs of Retiring Cropland: A Case Study in Eastern Oregon |
Way | Jenna | MS | 2015 | Credit Officer Trainee, Northwest Farm Credit Services | A Method to Assess the Tradeoffs between Farm Profits and Environmental Quality Outcomes |
Zhang | Hongliang | PhD | 2015 | Faculty, Renmin University, Beijing | Outcome Distributions in Impact Assessment: Climate Change and Technology Adoption in Pacific Northwest Agriculture |
Ainsworth | Joel | MS | 2014 | Associate, EcoNorthwest | RINs and Biofuel Mandates: Comparing Ethanol and Biodiesel Markets |
Badau | Flavius | PhD | 2014 | Research Economist, Economic Resource Service, USDA, Washington DC | Climate change and Trade in a Globalized World |
Carroll | Joanna Michelle | MS | 2014 | PhD student, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University | Did the Great Recession Change SNAP Participation Behavior? A Panel Analysis of Two Oregon Snap Participant Cohorts |
Choi | Jangho | PhD | 2014 | Korea International Economic Policy Institute, Seoul, Korea | Multi-Product Firms' Productivity and Export Behavior |
Crandall | Mindy | PhD | 2014 | Assist Professor, College of Forestry, University of Maine, Orono | The Effects of Increased Supply and Emerging Technologies in the Forest Products Industry on Rural Communities |
Gjesdahl | Jacob Eric | MS | 2014 | Business Plan Drafter, Bristol Design, Seattle, WA | Improved Viewshed Modeling for Estimating Effects of Neighboring Land Uses on Property Values |
Gulpen | Sam Franciscus | MS | 2014 | Operations Mgr, Precoa Insurance, Portland OR | Using Country-Level Forest Coverage to Analyze the Existence of an Environmental Kuznets Curve |
Hall | Kim | PhD | 2014 | Postdoctoral Scholar, Oregon State University | Optimal Spatial-Dynamic Resource Allocation Decisions Facing Uncertainty: Integrating Economics and Ecology for Invasive Species Policy |
Latane | Annah Martchen | MS | 2014 | Research Fellow, Research Triangle Institute, NC | An Exploration of Water Quality in the United States Using an Environmental Kuznets Curve Framework |
Lim | Youngah | PhD | 2014 | Postdoctoral Scholar, Oregon State University | Cost-Efficient Management of Aquatic Invasive Species: Application to New Zealand Mudsnails in the Pacific Northwest |
Mc Caulou | Jeffrey C | MS | 2014 | Large-database management, Albany, OR | Estimating a Juniper Biomass Supply from Private Rangelands: The Impact of Distance and Biotic Factors on Costs |
Oakley | Winston | MS | 2014 | Highland Economics, Portland OR | Maximizing Urban Property Values Through Open Space Conservation |
Vena | Marielle Rose | MS | 2014 | Membership Associate, Costco, Katy, TX | The Shifting Determinants of the Unemployment Rate During Recession and Recovery |
West | Tyler Theodore | MS | 2014 | Management Trainee, Cenex Harvest States, Minneapolis, MM | An Investment Valuation and Risk Assessment of High-Density Sweet Cherry Orchards |
Zhang | Xin | MS | 2014 | Analyst, Apple Inc., Sunnyvale, CA | An Economic Model of Search and Matching in International Trade |
Zheng | Xiaojuan | PhD | 2014 | Economist, Dell Corp, Austin TX | A Computable General Equilibrium Model with Applications for the Pacific Northwest |
Anderson | William James | MS | 2013 | Staff Economist, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management | Net Farm Income Determinants and the Role of Water Development Projects |
Bu | Meidan | PhD | 2013 | Predictive Analytics Modeler, Microsoft, Seattle, WA | Spatial Heterogeneity, Meta-analysis and Spatial Dependency: Three Essays on Environmental Valuation and Spatial Land Management Decisions |
Hodgin | Elizabeth Dee | MS | 2013 | Intern to Executive VP of Operations, Whole Foods Corporation | Impact of Price and Color Availability on Fair Trade and Organic Apparel Choice |
Holder | Daniel Ross | MS | 2013 | Commodity Analyst, Energy Consulting Branch, Schneider-Electric | Determinants of Household Vehicle Miles Traveled in Oregon |
Kalinin | Alexey V | MS | 2013 | PhD student, Environment and Resources, Nelson Institute, Univ of Wisconsin | Right as Rain? The Value of Water in Willamette Valley Agriculture |
Li | Cheng | PhD | 2013 | Risk Analyst, Compass BVA Bank, Montgomery, AL | Essays on Nursery Labor, Sales Contracts, and Price Discovery |
Miller | Jason | MS | 2013 | Consultant, Intel Inc., Portland, OR | The Economics of Commodity Promotion in the Hazelnut Industry |
Qin | Lin | PhD | 2013 | Analyst, Rentrak Global Media Research, Portland, OR | The Economics of a Research Program: Knowledge Production, Cost, and Technical Efficiency |
Ritter | Daniel James | MS | 2013 | PhD student, Michigan State University | The Economic Value of Native Pollinators in Regard to Oregon Blueberry Production |
Schiek | Ben | MS | 2013 | Consultant, CGIAR Centers | Modeling the Praxis of Climate Change and Farmer Adaptation: A Kenya Case Study Combining the Ricardian and TOA-MD Methodologies |
Swanson | Joshua James | MS | 2013 | Analyst, Verizon, Salem OR | The Economic Feasibility of Small-Scale Aquaculture in the Pacific Northwest |
Weerasooriya | Senal Alexander | MS | 2013 | PhD student, Applied Econ, Oregon State University | Exchange Rate Dynamics and the Trade Balance: The Case of Sri Lanka |
Bell | Lauren A | MS | 2012 | Research and Analysis Manager / Operations Research Analyst, State of Montana, Office of Public Instruction, Helena, MT | Estimating Recreation Losses from Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreaks in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado |
bin Salam | Sakib | MS | 2012 | Associate, Strategic Consulting, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Washington DC | Is There Still a Southwest-Effect? – A Study of Southwest Airline’s Pricing Strategies |
Campbell | Robert Marshall | MS | 2012 | PhD student, College of Forestry & Conservation, University of Montana | Economic Analysis of Coho Salmon Habitat Restoration at Winter Lake, Lower Coquille River, Oregon |
Deka | Rishiraj | MS | 2012 | PhD student, Health Policy, University of Utah | Wind, Solar and Wave Energy: A Comparative Review and Cost-Benefit Study |
Dempsey | Judith Andrea | PhD | 2012 | Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC | Three Essays on the Effectiveness of Oregon’s Land-Use Planning System: Economic Analysis with Quasi-Experimental Methods |
Guerrero Ochoa | Isabel Graciela | MS | 2012 | PhD student, Oregon State University | An Econometric Analysis of Output Supply and Input Demand in the Oregon Softwood Lumber and Plywood Industries |
Kim | Taeyoung | PhD | 2012 | Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Tennessee, Knoxville | Three Essays on Private Landowners’ Response to Incentives for Carbon Sequestration through Forest Management and Afforestation |
Lee | Yohan | MS | 2012 | Researcher, College of Forestry, Oregon State University | Changing Housing Density in the Rural Midwest |
Olen | Beau | MS | 2012 | Faculty Researcher, Applied Economics, Oregon State University | Irrigation Choices for Major West Coast Crops: Water Scarcity and Climatic Determinants |
Siegel | Ryan | PhD | 2012 | Instructor, Applied Economics, Oregon State University | Three Essays on Constrained Markets |
Smith | Braeton | MS | 2012 | PhD student, Mineral & Energy Econ, Colorado School of Mines | The Environmental Kuznets Curve and Fuel-Switching in Electricity Generation |
Wiggins | Seth Tyler | MS | 2012 | Economic Analyst, Cenex/Harvest States, Minneapolis, MN | Pacific Northwest Rangeland Carbon Sequestration |
Wu | Caiwen | PhD | 2012 | Economist, Bank of America | Essays on Location Decisions and Carbon Sequestration Strategy of U.S. Firms |
Bignell | Wesley | MS | 2011 | PhD student, Univ of Washington | Are farms that supply local markets different? |
Biswas | Smita | PhD | 2011 | Assistant Vice President, Bank of America, Charlotte, NC | The economics of forest-dependent regions |
Brekken | Christine Marie Anderson | MS | 2011 | PhD student, Oregon State University | Can we have our (safe and local) cake and eat it too? Oregon re-crafts food safety regulations for farm direct marketed foods |
Eckstein | Nathan | MS | 2011 | Operations Analyst, Erickson Air-Crane, Inc. | The relationship between vehicle miles traveled and economic activity |
Haim | David | PhD | 2011 | Postdoctoral Scholar, College of Forestry, Oregon State University | Three essays on the economics of climate change, land use and carbon sequestration |
Lewin | Paul | PhD | 2011 | Moody Analytics | Three essays on food security, food assistance, and migration |
Vasquez-Caballero | Smit | MS | 2011 | PhD student, Oregon State University | Farm and non-farm impact of migration to USA on rural Mexico |
Yoo | Chun-Kwon | PhD | 2011 | National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, Seoul, Korea |
Three essays on trade liberalization and Korean agriculture |
Datta | Saurabh | PhD | 2010 | Econometrician, Summit Consulting, Washington DC | Three essays on the economics of malaria |
Grout | Cyrus | PhD | 2010 | Research Consultant, Center For Education Data and Research, Seattle, WA | Land use policy and property value |
Li | Man | PhD | 2010 | Postdoctoral Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC | Essays on land-use change, carbon sequestration and emissions in China |
Moon | Hanpil | PhD | 2010 | Korea Rural Economic Institute, Seoul, Korea | Three essays on international trade and regional productivity |
Sechrist | Bret | MS | 2010 | PhD student, Stanford University |
Crop choice and conservation : implications of increased biofuel demand |
Xu | Wenchao | PhD | 2010 | Postdoctoral Scholar, Boise State University | Essays on the interactions between land use, natural amenity and wildfire risk |
Zheng | Xiaojuan | MS | 2010 | PhD student, Applied Econ, Oregon State University |
The elasticity of excess demand for United States crop exports |
Hall | Kim | MS | 2009 | PhD student, Applied Econ, Oregon State University |
Cost analysis of quarantine zone size and control policy for an invasive forest pathogen |
Huang | Biao | MS | 2009 | PhD student, Arizona State University |
The value of short run in-stream temperature forecasts : An application to salmonids in the Klamath and John Day Rivers |
Lin | Haixia | PhD | 2009 | Economist, Dell Corp, Austin, TX | Essays on natural endowments, conservation policy, and community characteristics |
Marre | Alexander | PhD | 2009 | Economist, USDA Economic Research Service | Out-migration, income and poverty in nonmetropolitan America |
Nag | Sharmistha | PhD | 2009 | Post-Doctoral Fellow, Natl Center for Applied Economic Research, New Delhi | Essays in applied economics |
Rada | Nicholas | PhD | 2009 | Economic Research Service, USDA | International comparison and evaluation of agricultural productivity growth |
Wang | Chunhua | PhD | 2009 | Postdoctoral Scholar, North Carolina State Univ | Essays on environment and the spatial distribution of economic activities |
Kim | Sooil | PhD | 2008 | Ministry of Agriculture, Seoul, Korea |
Trade and productivity effects on firm behavior : The case of Korean manufacturing |
Lai | Jiayin | PhD | 2008 | Quantitative Analyst, Sun Trust Bank, Atlanta, GA | Essays on the economics of land use regulation |
Maher | Anna Tista | MS | 2008 | PhD student, Environmental Sciences, Oregon State University |
The economic impacts of sagebrush steppe wildfires on an eastern Oregon ranch |
Saito | Hisamitsu | PhD | 2008 | Assistant Professor, Economics, Kyushu University | Three essays on firm heterogeneity and regional development |
Siegel | Ryan | MS | 2008 | PhD student, Oregon State University |
Modeling Oregon's biodiesel subsidies and their potential effects on the Willamette Valley agricultural landscape |
Todd | Maribeth | MS | 2008 | PhD student, Applied Econ, Oregon State University |
Urban development in coastal Oregon : discrete-choice estimation with spatial autocorrelation |
Broniak | Christine | MS | 2007 | Economist, Oregon Legislative Office, Salem, OR | Land use and land-use change in the Rocky Mountain west |
Min | He | PhD | 2007 | Economist, Dell Corporation, Austin, TX | Political economy and trade effects of invasive species regulation: The case of noxious weeds |
Peck | Dannele Elaine | PhD | 2007 | Assistant Professor, University of Wyoming | Economics of drought preparedness and response in irrigated agriculture |
Ruan | Jun | PhD | 2007 | Postdoctoral Scholar, Iowa State University | Essays on technology, trade, and welfare |
Valcic (Turcin) | Branka | PhD | 2007 | Assistant Professor, University of Alaska, Fairbanks | The economics of spatial choice and displacement: Case study of the Oregon bottom trawl groundfish fishery |
Wang | Chenggang | PhD | 2007 | Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University | Public investment policy and industry incentives in life science research |
Dell | Randal Scott | MS | 2006 | Economist, Ducks Unlimited, Memphis, TN | An exploratory economic analysis of the effects of regulation, hunter participation and harvest on migratory bird management |
Echeverria Pezoa | Rodrigo A | PhD | 2006 | Assistant Professor, Universidad Austral de Chile | Essays on productivity, economic geography and trade: The case of Chile |
Eichman | Henry N. | MS | 2006 | USDA. Forest Service, Duluth, MN | Northwest forest plan effects on county net migration and employment growth |
Fonner | Robert Marshall | MS | 2006 | PhD student, University of New Mexico |
Consumer preferences for seafood information attributes |
Hascic | Ivan | PhD | 2006 | Research Economist, OECD Environment Directorate, Paris | Essays on land use regulation |
Rashford | Benjamin Starr | PhD | 2006 | Assistant Professor, Agr & Applied Econ, Univ of Wyoming | Essays on the economics of wildlife management |
Wirkkala (Hall) | Teresa | MS | 2006 | Economist, Entrix, Inc., Vancouver, WA |
Business decisions for voluntary environmental management : motivations, actions, and outcomes |
Cross | Robin Michael | PhD | 2005 | Research Associate, Oregon State University |
Essays in incomplete agricultural markets |
Lewis | David James | PhD | 2005 | Assistant Professor, Univ of Wisconsin | Managing the spatial configuration of land: The economics of land use and habitat fragmentation |
Smith | Gordon | MS | 2005 | International Specialist, California Tree Fruit Association |
Commodity policies and acreage decisions in U.S. agriculture, 1990-2001 |
Ugrinska | Monika | MS | 2005 | Economic Consulting, Florida |
Estimating the value of irrigation water transferred to instream flow : a case study of Umatilla County, Oregon |
Yang | Hui | PhD | 2005 | Risk Analyst, HSBC Bank, Portland, OR |
The supply and demand of university agricultural biotechnology research |
Burden | Merrick | MS | 2004 | Industry Economist, National Marine Fishery Service |
Oregon coast cold storage : simulation modeling and optimal temperature management for efficient planning |
Crandall | Mindy S | MS | 2004 | PhD student, Oregon State University |
Employment growth, social capital, and spatial determinants of poverty change |
Mc Fetridge | Marc Vern | MS | 2004 | Analytical Services Associates, AC Nielsen, Paramas, NJ |
A demand system analysis of marketing strategies for apples and pears in the conventional supermarket environment |
Sharp | Jeffrey | MS | 2004 | Planner, Napa County Conservation, Development, and Planning, CA |
An economic comparison of three cattle grazing management strategies intended to improve riparian habitat and water quality |
Tanaka | Katsuya | PhD | 2004 | Assistant Profossor, Department of Economics, Hiroshima University | Essays on conservation policies and agricultural nonpoint source pollution control |
Wyse | Barbara | MS | 2004 | Economist, Entrix, Inc., Vancouver, WA |
Farm and community-level impacts of irrigation water supply reductions : a case study of Malheur County, Oregon |
Yavapolkul | Navin | MS | 2004 | PhD student, University of California, Davis |
Spatial price linkages between developed and developing countries : the case of rice and wheat markets |
Andrade | Diego | MS | 2003 | International Development Agency, Ecuador |
The impact of health and environmental motives and economic factors on the choice of organic produce |
Langpap | Christian Andres | PhD | 2003 | Assistant Professor, Tulane University | Modeling conservation incentives for private landowners |
Li | Yonghai | MS | 2003 | Statistician, JP Morgan Chase Bank |
Does third-country exchange rate affect bilateral trade? |
Watanabe | Michio | PhD | 2003 | Economist, International Development Center, Tokyo | A Spatially Explicit Model for Allocating Conservation Efforts: The Grande Ronde River Basin, Oregon |
Wu | Jing | MS | 2003 | Investment Analyst, Deutschbank, Philadelphia |
A comparison of box-cox and additive exponential models to estimate the depreciation of farm machinery |
Aldrich | Gwen | MS | 2002 | PhD student, University of New Mexico | The Economics of Western Juniper Management on Ranches Located in the John Day Ecological Province of North-Central Oregon |
Cho | Seong-Hoon | PhD | 2002 | Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee |
Urbanization under uncertainty and land use regulations : theory and estimation |
He | Daifeng | MS | 2002 | PhD student, Washington University of St. Louis | |
Vega-Hidalgo | Esteban Mauricio | MS | 2002 | Head of Market Research, Coca-Cola Corp., Ecuador | |
Xia | Yin | PhD | 2002 | Assistant Professor, University of Missouri, Columbia |
Science and technology in cutting-edge agricultural biotechnology research |
Burnes | Ellen Irene | PhD | 2001 | Assistant Professor, Tarleton State University |
Three studies on the role of uncertainty in the valuation and management of renewable natural resources |
Chen | Li | MS | 2001 | Financial Analyst, Transamerica Corp. |
An economic analysis of changes in exclusive farm use regulations for homesteads in Oregon : a case study in Yamhill County |
Henderson | Erin | MS | 2001 | Economic Consulting, Alexandria, VA |
Agricultural cooperatives and their international business arrangements |
Si | Wenguang | MS | 2001 | Soybean Futures Market Analyst, China | China's soybean futures contract : China's integration with the U.S. soybean futures market |
Bin | Okmyung | PhD | 2000 | Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, East Carolina University |
Estimation of implicit prices in hedonic price models: Flexible parametric versus additive nonparametric approach |
Carver | Jason | MS | 2000 | Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA, Washington DC |
Technological change and comparative advantage of the agricultural and food processing sectors |
Lemieux | Jason | MS | 2000 | Consultant, HDR Consulting, Seattle, WA |
Fisheries management policies and Japanese direct investment in the Alaska pollock fishery |
Gancho | Paula | MS | 1999 | PAVIA, Pavimentos e Vias, Lisbon, Portugal |
The impact of extended fisheries jurisdiction on global fishery markets : the case of Alaska pollock from the U.S. West Coast |
Gentner | Brad | MS | 1999 | Economist, National Marine Fishery Service |
Characteristics of public land grazing permittees |
Heffner | James | MS | 1999 | Dept. Natural Resources & Conservation, Montana |
Land and water values in Klamath County, Oregon : application of Hedonic Price Modeling |
Ma | Alyson | MS | 1999 | PhD student, Univ of California, Davis |
Determinants of exports and foreign direct investment in the U.S. manufacturing sector |
Pavich | Steve | MS | 1999 | Foster-Wheeler Env Corp, Costa Mesa, CA |
Using GIS to analyze the relationships between open space and property values |
Saito | Yoko | MS | 1999 | PhD student, Agric Econ, Univ of Hokkaido | |
Vossler | Christian | MS | 1999 | PhD, Cornell University |
A nonexperimental test of the contingent valuation method : comparing hypothetical and actual voting behavior |
Xia | Yin | MS | 1999 | PhD Student, Oregon State University |
Technology structure and productivity change in the U.S. meat products industry |
Burke | Susan Melissa | PhD | 1998 | Economist, CH2MHill, Sacramento, CA | |
Larkin | Sherry Lynn | PhD | 1998 | Postdoctoral Scholar, Sea Grant Program, University of Florida |
The multidimensional role of intrinsic quality in the management of natural resources : a bioeconomic analysis of the Pacific whiting fishery |
Mooney | Sian | PhD | 1998 | Postdoctoral Scholar, Montana State University | A cost effectiveness analysis of actions to reduce stream temperature : a case study of the Mohawk watershed |
Shin | Soung-Kook | PhD | 1998 | Postdoctoral Scholar in health economics, Rutgers University |
A nested logit model of the determinants of away-from-home food consumption |
Skelton | Katherine | MS | 1998 | Environmental Economist, US Corps of Engineers, VA | |
Tuininga | Chris Robert | MS | 1998 | Aon Consulting, New York, New York | Contending with risk in the seafood processing industry : a bioeconomic portfolio analysis of the Pacific whiting fishery |
Chan-Kang | Connie | MS | 1997 | International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington DC |
R & D investment and productivity in the U.S. and Canadian food processing sectors |
Faux | John | MS | 1997 | Engineer, Surface Water Resources Inc., Sacramento CA |
Hedonic price analysis to reveal value of water in irrigation : an application to northern Malheur County, Oregon |
Koong | Dennis | MS | 1997 | Deputy Regional Director for the USDA's National Ag Statistics Service Northwest Regional Field Office |
Strategic investments in agricultural industries and Oregon's economic development |
Seeley | Harold | MS | 1997 | Consultant, Northwest Economics Associates, Vancouver, WA | |
Stillings | Amy | MS | 1997 | Economist, Pollution Permit Trading, ERG Inc., MA |
The economic feasibility of off-stream water and salt to reduce grazing pressure in riparian areas |