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Alumni News
The College of Agricultural Science recently recognized two of our alumni with awards!
Alumni Updates
Briana Tanaka, ABM 2014
After graduation, Briana joined Northwest Farm Credit Services where she was trained as a Credit Officer in Pasco, Washington, and then went through a rigorous finance program (Capital Advancement Program) in Spokane, Washington. Briana was then placed as a Business Advisor where she taught credit to new employees and managed financial and economic educational events for customers.
Jeff Sharp, MS 2004 and Leigh Kingsbury-Sharp, BS 2005
Jeff Sharp graduated in 2004 with minor in water resources. Currently Jeff is a Principal Planner with Napa County Public Works Water Resources Division, working on watershed management and policy projects, including groundwater sustainability, watershed education programing, and natural resource conservation and restoration projects. Jeff is married to Leigh Kingsbury, also an AEC alumni, who graduated in 2005. Jeff likes to say “I went to OSU and got my M.S. and my Mrs.!". Leigh worked for the Napa County Resource Conservation District as their Executive Director and recently obtained a positon in Napa County’s Executive Office as a Management Analyst. Jeff and Leigh live in Napa CA with their 15 yr old daughter Ila.
Tyler Knapp, EEP 2014
After graduating from Oregon State, Tyler completed an M.S. in Agricultural Economics (University of Arkansas) and an International Masters in Rural Development (University of Ghent, Belgium). He is currently employed as a Program Associate in Economic Development with the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.
Tyler has many positive memories from Oregon State. Notably, he says that "it strikes me that the amount of support that students received from the department, faculty and staff during my time at OSU was unusual in its abundance. This combined with the rigor of the program left me well prepared to find success after graduation."
Did You Know?
- 2004 MS graduate Navin Yavapolkul, known as Tar, is a popular singer and actor in his native Thailand
Alumni Newsletter
The Alumni Newsletter is available here in PDF. The newsletter is an ongoing source of information for alumni and friends of the department.
- 2018 Annual Newsletter
- 2017 Annual Newsletter
- 2015-16 Annual Newsletter
- 2014 Annual Newsletter
- 2013 Annual Newsletter
Alumni List
Alumni are listed alphabetically. Click on any letter to jump. Email us if you want to be added.
A |B |C |D |E |F |G |H |I |J |K |L |M |N |O |P |Q |R |S |T |U |V |W |X |Y |Z
A | |
Mary Ahearn Branch Chief USDA-ERS-RED |
Nikol Allison Accounting Officer at a Financial Institution in Salem OR |
B | |
Sandra Batie Elton R. Smith Professor in Food and Agricultural Policy Department of Agricultural Economics Michigan State University East Lansing MI 48824-1039 |
Robert Berrens Professor Department of Economics University of New Mexico Albuquerque NM 87131-0001 |
Brent Boehlert Associate Industrial Economics, Incorporated 2067 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02140 |
Daniel W. Bromley Anderson-Bascom Professor of Applied Economics Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics Henry Taylor Hall, 427 Lorch Street University of Wisconsin Madison WI 53706 |
Susan Burke Senior Economist ENTRIX 200 First Avenue West Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98119 |
Ellen I. Burnes 11 Victoria Avenue Woollahra, NSW 2025 Australia |
Derek Byerlee Principal Economist World Bank, S8-143 1818 H St NW Washington DC 20433 |
C | |
Melissa (Nartz) Carlgren CPA/Shareholder Geffen Mesher 888 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 800 Portland OR 97204 |
Chris Carter Staff Economist Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife PO Box 59 Portland OR 97207 |
Connie Chan-Kang International Food Policy Research Institute Environment and Production Technology Division 2033 K Street, N.W. Washington DC 20006 |
Seong-Hoon Cho Professor Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics The University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996-4518 |
Kee-Chai Chong | |
Laura Conroy, JD |
Gail Cramer |
Tim Cross Assistant Dean (Agriculture) 2621 Morgan Circle 120 Morgan Hall University of Tennessee Knoxville TN 37996 |
Richard Cuthbert Seattle, WA |
D | |
E | |
F | |
Ronald A. Fleming Assistant Professor University of Kentucky Department of Agricultural Economics 309 Charles E. Barnhart Building Lexington KY 40546-0276 |
Robby Fonner |
G | |
E. Bruce Godfrey Emeritus Professor of Economics Utah State University Logan UT 84322-3530 |
Wade Griffin Professor Department of Agricultural Economics Texas A&M University College Station TX 77843-2124 |
H | |
Mike Hanrahan Program Manager, Arizona Department of Water Resources; Branch Chief and Regional Advisor, USDA/ERS and USDA/FAS/ICD; Program Manager and Senior Economist, Development Alternatives Inc. Retired from all!! |
Ivan Hascic Empirical Policy Analysis Unit OECD Environment Directorate 2 rue André Pascal 75775 Paris CEDEX 16, France |
I | |
J | |
K | |
C.S. Kim Senior Economist Economic Research Service, USDA 1800 M St. NW, 4057 Washington DC 20036-5831 |
Taeyoung Kim Assistant Professor Dept of Food and Resource Economics Gyeongsang National University, South Korea #452-321, 501, Jinju-daero, Jinju-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, 660-701, Republic of Korea |
Erik Knoder Regional Economist Oregon Employment Department Newport OR |
L | |
Jiayin Lai Quantitative Analyst Risk Analytics SunTrust Bank 303 Peachtree Rd NE Atlanta, GA 30308 |
David K. Lambert |
Clay Landry Principal and Founder WestWater Research 121 Grand Avenue, Suite 222 Laramie WY 82070 Research Associate The Property and Environment Research Center 2048 Analysis Dr. Suite A Bozeman MT 59718 |
Christian Langpap Assistant Professor Agricultural and Resource Economics Department Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 |
Sherry Larkin |
Philippe Latriche French Ministry for Economy, Finance & Industry Economic and Trade Dept Near East & North Africa Desk 139 rue de bercy 75013 Paris France |
Jason Lemieux Water Resources Planner HDR ONE COMPANY | Many Solutions 10900 NE 4th St, Suite 1110 Bellevue, WA 980084 |
Jan Lewandrowski Rm 4213 1800 M Street, NW Washington DC 20036-5831 |
Paul Lewin Extension Specialist, Assistant Professor Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology University of Idaho Agricultural Science Building Room 28D 875 Perimeter Drive MS 2334 Moscow, ID 83844-2334 |
David Lewis Professor Dept. of Applied Economics Oregon State University 200A Ballard Extension Hall 2591 SW Campus Way Corvallis, OR |
Biing-Hwan Lin Diet, Safety, Health Economics Branch Food and Rural Economics Division Economic Research Service, USDA Room N3073, 1800 M St NW Washington DC 20036-5831 |
Haixia Lin Sr. Manager SMB Modeling and Analytics Risk Management| Decision Science Dell | Financial Services |
Yonghai Li |
Rusdian Lubis Deputy President Director (Environmental Impact Management Agency), Indonesia Citra Bagus A-10. Jalan Gurame. Pasar Minggu. Jaklarta Selatan Indonesia |
M | |
Kirk Maag Law Clerk to the Honorable Carlos T. Bea United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit |
Alexander Marre Research Agricultural Economist USDA/ERS/RRED/FRHWB Room N4088 1800 M Street NW Washington, DC 20036-5831 |
John Martin President Intersea Fisheries West, Inc. 701 Dexter Avenue North, Suite 305 Seattle WA 98109 |
Manuel Michel Executive Director National Mango Board 3101 Maguire Blvd., Suite 111 Orlando,Fl 32803 |
Sian Mooney Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Research New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Arizona State University, West Campus Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100 |
Lacey Moore | |
N | |
Toyokazu Naito Associate Professor Department of Economics Kyoto Gakuen University 1-1 Otani, Nanjyo, Sogabecho Kameoka, Kyoto Zip 621-8555, Japan |
Justin Nelson | |
Farhad Niami Senior Economist District of Columbia Public Service Commission 1333 H Street, N.W. Washington DC 20005 |
Shuzhen Nong Data Mining Research Analyst Manager AdCenter, Windows Live Group One Microsoft way, Redmond, 98052 WA, U.S.A. |
Tom Nordblom Research Economist Economic Resource Policy/ESU Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute NSW Agriculture, PMB Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650, Australia |
O | |
Takamasa Okutsu Company: Koei Industry Co., Ltd. Manufacturer of originally developed measurement and control devices: Electric valve actuator, Pulp consistency controller, Flocculation tester, etc. Section: Product Marketing Dept. |
Beau Olen Faculty Research Assistant Oregon State University Department of Applied Economics Center for Agricultural and Environmental Policy |
P | |
G. Hossein Parandvash Principal Economist Resource Protection and Planning Portland Water Bureau 1120 SW 5th Avenue, Rm. 600 Portland OR 97204 |
Dannele E. Peck Assistant Professor Dept. of Ag & Applied Economics University of Wyoming Department 3354 1000 E. University Ave. Laramie, WY 82071 |
Nicole Powell PO Box 2344 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 |
Q | |
Lewis E. Queirolo Alaska Regional Economist NMFS, NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center National Marine Fisheries Service 7600 Sand Point Way N.E. Seattle WA 98115 |
R | |
Nicholas Rada Agricultural Research Economist Food Security & Development Branch Market and Trade Economics Division Economic Research Service, USDA 1800 M St., NW Washington, DC 20036 |
Benjamin Rashford Assistant Professor Dept. of Ag & Applied Economics University of Wyoming Department 3354 1000 E. University Ave. Laramie, WY 82071-3354 |
Eirik Romstad Dept. of Economics & Resource Management Agricultural University of Norway PO Box 5033 N-1432 Aas, Norway |
S | |
Vijay A. Satyal Sr. Policy Specialist-Renewables and Conservation Oregon Department of Energy 625 Marion St., NE Salem, Oregon 97301 Adjunct Faculty-Oregon State University |
Leigh Kingsbury-Sharp Exeuctive Director Napa County Resource Conservation District 1303 Jefferson St, Suite 500B Napa, CA 94559 |
Royce Ann Simmons I am currently working for Harvest Capital Company in Canby, Oregon. We are an agriculture lender working throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Nevada. |
T | |
Dillon Tanner Environmental Scientist HDR Engineering Portland, OR |
Justin V. Taylor |
Michael L. Taylor Senior Vice President and Senior Economist Northwest Economic Associates, Inc. 12009 NE 99th Street Vancouver WA 98682 |
Rebecca Thomas Genetic Specialist ABA Global 2415 10th St Tillamook, OR 97141 |
Brenda Turner Occupational Economist with: Oregon Employment Department Workforce Analysis 875 Union St NE Salem OR 97311 |
U | |
V | |
Branka Valcic | |
Steve Vaughn 175 N Gun Club Road Independence OR 97351 |
Christian Vossler Assistant Professor Department of Economics 534 Stokely Management Center The University of Tennessee Knoxville TN 37996-0550 |
W | |
Ray Waldron Sr. Agribusiness Program Manager Fintrac, Inc. St. Thomas, USVI 08002 |
Chenggang Wang Assistant Professor Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics Texas Tech University and Texas Agircultural Experiment Station Texas A&M University Lubbock, Texas |
Stanley Wang Supervisory Economist U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service |
Edward C. Waters Regional Economist/Consultant 11655 SW Belmont Terrace Beaverton OR 97008 |
Senal Weerasooriya |
Kurt Williams Associated Appraisers 2 West Main Walla Walla WA 99362 |
J. Randy Winter Associate Director Center for Renewable Energy Illinois State University Normal IL 61790-8888 |
Barbara Wyse Principal and Senior Economist Highland Economics 2344 NE 59th Ave Portland, OR 97213 |
X | |
Y | |
Douglas Young Emeritus Professor School of Economic Sciences Washington State University 105B Hulbert Hall Pullman WA 99164-5210 |
Z |