AMP Information for Agricultural Business Management Undergrads
The Applied Economics Accelerated Master's Platform (AMP) provides the training necessary for success in analytical, policy, or management positions or as preparation for further graduate education. The program allows students to complete an undergraduate degree in Agricultural Business Management (ABM), Environmental Economics and Policy (EEP), or related undergraduate degrees and an M.S./M.A. in Applied Economics in 5 years of study (known as a 4+1 degree program).
The focus is on applied economics, policy, and quantitative analysis of natural resources management, economic development, agricultural markets, and related areas. Our students develop strong economic skills and analytical methods – such as econometric and spatial analytic tools – essential for applying their expertise to real-world concerns and issues. Coursework centers on microeconomics and science-based policy analysis, drawing on courses both within the program and from other University departments and colleges.
Outstanding undergraduate OSU students who have completed 105 of their required 180 credits toward their undergraduate degree with an overall GPA of 3.25 or better are eligible to apply to the AMP in Applied Economics. Eligible students will be identified for the AMP in the fall of their junior year. Students apply during the winter term of their junior year. In addition to students in the ABM and EEP programs, undergraduate students seeking degrees in the College of Forestry, Agricultural Sciences, Liberal Arts, Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, and the School of Public Health, will be the focus of the program.
Admission to the AMP will be competitive with students applying directly to the graduate program. The master’s program will notify applicants of admissions decisions during spring term. Accepted students will begin taking master’s level classes during the fall term of their senior year. With careful planning, students can then complete a master’s degree within 1 year after completing their bachelor’s degree. James Sterns will advise ABM students on their application and program of study.
How the AMP in Applied Economics Works
During their undergraduate senior year, successful applicants are allowed to apply a maximum of nine graduate credits (taken for a letter grade and not including blanket-numbered courses), to both their undergraduate and master’s degrees. Only credits with letter grades of B (3.00) or better may be counted for graduate credit. In addition, students in the Honors College or in other undergraduate programs that require a thesis may use the undergraduate thesis as a step toward the master’s research paper. Students admitted to the AMP program must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better throughout their undergraduate and master’s degree programs or they will be subject to dismissal from the AMP.
Students in the AMP will complete the same requirements as all MS students in Applied Economics, including choosing an area of concentration. Students will be advised to take classes in their concentration area during the senior year of their undergraduate term, when they can apply nine of their unrestricted credits toward both their undergraduate and MS degrees. Students will also be advised to complete any prerequisites for their MS classes during their senior year.
Agricultural Business Management undergraduate majors can choose any area of concentration in the AEC MS program. The following areas of concentration may be of most interest to students from the Agricultural Business Management major:
> Agricultural Economics and Business Management
> Trade and Development Economics
> Rural Development Economics
> Resource and Environmental Economics
Students enrolled in the AMP are expected to complete the Research Paper option to meet the supervised research portion of the program. Research credits will be completed in the final term of their program.
Degree Requirements and Course of Study
An MS in Applied Economics requires 45 master’s level credits. The AMP program consists of four components: (1) core courses (13 credits), (2) restricted electives (minimum 8 credits), (3) unrestricted electives (9 credits of which may be applied to both undergraduate and MS degrees), and (4) supervised research. Each component is discussed in detail below.
1. Core Courses (13 credits)
The core courses consist of microeconomic theory, econometrics, and professional ethics.
- AEC 512 -- Microeconomic Theory I (fall, first five weeks) (4)
- AEC 513 -- Microeconomic Theory II (fall, second five weeks) (4)
- AEC 525 -- Applied Econometrics (fall) (4)
- GRAD 520 -- Responsible Conduct of Research (fall, winter, or spring) (1)
2. Restricted Electives (minimum 8 credits)
At least two of the electives must be chosen from a designated list that reflects the program’s emphases and faculty expertise. In Academic Year 2014-2015, the designated list includes:
- AREC 550 -- Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (4)
- AREC 551 -- Applications of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (4)
- AREC 543 -- International Trade (4)
3. Unrestricted Electives (9 credits may be applied to both undergraduate and MS degrees)
The student’s remaining electives will be drawn from other courses, including those available in Applied Economics, in departments closely associated with the program, and elsewhere on campus. Consistent with Graduate School requirements, 400/500 level courses may be used as unrestricted electives but may comprise no more than 50% of the student’s coursework on the program of study. Suggested concentrations and associated courses are listed below.
Students in the AMP will complete 9 of their unrestricted electives during the senior year of their undergraduate degree. Unrestricted electives will be chosen in consultation with the student’s advisory committee to best support the student’s concentration area. Students will also be encouraged to complete pre-requisite courses for their MS level courses in their desired area of concentration. Classes for each area of concentration may include, but are not limited to:
Agricultural Economics and Business Management
- AREC 444/544 -- Commodity Futures and Options Markets (4)
- AREC 460/560 -- Capital Investment Analysis Using AgTools (3)
- AREC 465/565 -- Agricultural Financial Reporting and Analysis (3)
- MGMT 453/553 -- Human Resource Management (4) (prerequisites apply)
- MRKT 488/588 -- Personal Selling (4) (prerequisites apply)
- MRKT 494/594 -- Marketing Channels (4) (prerequisites apply)
- ECON 440/540 -- Economics of Globalization (3)
- ECON 460/560 -- Industrial Organization Theory and Policy (4)
- ECON 462/562 -- Managerial Economics (4)
Trade and Development Economics
- AREC 454/554 -- Rural Development Economics and Policy (3)
- ECON 440/540 -- Economics of Globalization (3)
- ECON 455/555 -- Economic Development (4)
- ECON 539 -- Public Policy Analysis (4)
- ECON 465/565 -- Transportation Economics (4)
Rural Development Economics
- AREC 454/554 -- Rural Development Economics and Policy (3)
- ECON 455/555 -- Economic Development (4)
- FES 532 -- Economics of Recreation Resources (4)
- FES 511 -- Communities and Natural Resources (5)
- FOR 534 -- Economics of Forest Resources (3)
Resource and Environmental Economics
- AREC 432/532 -- Environmental Law (4)
- AREC 452/552 -- Marine Economics (3)
- FOR 538 -- Valuation of Non-market Resources (3)
- FOR 462/562 -- Natural Resource Policy and Law (3)
- FOR 534 -- Economics of the Forest Resources (3)
Graduate-level classes as prerequisites for future MS courses, for example:
- ST 421/521 -- Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I (4)
- ST 422/522 -- Introduction of Mathematical Statistics II (4)
- GEO 465/565 -- Geographic Information Systems And Science (4)
4. Supervised Research
AMP Master’s students are expected to satisfy the supervised research requirement by completing a Research Paper (Option 1). A Master’s Research Paper, completed under the supervision of the student’s advisory committee, normally requires about three months of full-time-equivalent work. A Master’s Research Paper requires an oral defense presentation before the student’s advisory committee at the end of the student’s program.
Sample Accelerated Graduate Master's Schedule
Option 1 |
Core courses |
13 |
Elective courses (restricted + unrestricted) |
26 |
Masters research paper |
6 |
45 |
Option 1: Research Paper |
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
Senior year undergraduate |
3 credits |
3 credits |
3 credits |
Before start of 5th year |
Math Bootcamp (offered in September) |
Year 5 |
AEC 512 (4 credits) |
11 credits electives (restricted or unrest.) |
6 credits electives (restricted or unrest.) |
AEC 513 (4 credits) |
GRAD 520 (1 credit) |
6 credits research paper |
AEC 525 (4 credits) |