Applied Economics
We use economic tools to understand and help solve society’s problems, from maximizing local business vitality to limiting environmental degradation and climate change.
Welcome Message From Department Head
Our Students
Kourtney Lehman | Agricultural Business Management
Class of 2022 | Baker City, OR
2019-2020 National FFA Secretary
Nolan Carson | Environmental Economics and Policy | Sutherlin, OR
Sustainability Chair of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity | CAS Ambassador
Community Engagement and Leadership employee | LEAP Club President
Undergraduate Degrees
We offer undergraduate degrees in Agricultural and Food Business Management and in Environmental Economics and Policy. Both programs offer training in economics and quantitative analysis applied to agricultural, environmental, business, and policy issues.
Graduate Programs
We award PhD, MS, and MA degrees in Applied Economics. The program includes core courses in economic theory, econometrics, and other quantitative methods. Concentration areas include the economics of natural resources and environment, trade and development, marine resources, and rural development.
Get to know our majors
Applied Economics Events
In the News

Bridging the gap between philosophy and economics, Professor Buccola's new book, How Economists Think: A Kantian Interpretation of Mainstream Economics, argues that modern mainstream economics is fundamentally Kantian. By expl...

The Department of Applied Economics at Oregon State University invites applications for two full-time (1.0 FTE 9-month) Tenure-Track Assistant Professor research/teaching positions. Full consideration date is December 15, and the clos...

Congratulations to Kirk Maag, a distinguished alumnus of our department, for being selected as a 2024 Alumni Fellow! Kirk graduated summa cum laude from OSU in 2006 with a B.S. in Environmental Economics, Policy, and Management and is...

The OSU Applied Economics team showcased their knowledge and skills at the AAEA Academic Quiz Bowl Tournament held July 28-29 in New Orleans. The tournament, hosted by the Student Section of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Asso...

After an extensive search, the College of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon State University has appointed Dr. Jeff Reimer as head of the Department of Applied Economics, effective July 8, 2024.