Date | Presenter | |
June 7, 2024 | Jonathan Yoder, Distinguished Professor for Sustainable Development, Washington State University, "Water Rights Forfeiture: An Empirical and Theoretical Examination" | |
May 17, 2024 | Patrick Lloyd-Smith, Associate Professor, Agricultural and Resouce Economics, University of Saskatchewan, "Putting Heterogeneity to Work to Improve the Representativeness of Stated Preference Survey Results" | |
April 19, 2024 | David Keiser, Professor, Department of Resource Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, "Causes and Consequences of Safe Drinking Water in America" | |
November 3, 2023 | Jo Albers, Wyoming Excellence Chair in Conservation Economics, Department of Economics, University of Wyoming, "Migratory Species’ Movement Decisions Should Inform Development and Conservation Actions" | |
October 20, 2023 | Judson Boomhower, Assistant Professor, Economics, University of California San Diego, "How Are Insurance Markets Adapting to Climate Change? Risk Selection and Regulation in the Market for Homeowners Insurance" | |
May 5, 2023 | Eric Zou, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Oregon, The Environmental Effects of Economic Production: Evidence from Ecological Observations" | |
April 28, 2023 | Eyal Frank, Assistant Professor, Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago, "The Value of Disaster Prevention: The Desert Locust" | |
April 14, 2023 | Akhil Rao, Assistant Professor of Economics, Middlebury College, "Close Encounters of the LEO Kind: Spillovers and Resilience in Partially-Automated Traffic Systems" | |
March 3, 2023 | Melissa LoPalo, Assistant Professor of Economics, Montana State University, "The Willingness to Pay for a Cooler Day: Evidence from 50 Years of Major League Baseball Games" | |
February 20, 2023 | Chris Blattman, Professor, Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago, "Why We Fight: The Roots of War and the Paths to Peace" | |
September 23, 2022 | Hope Michelson, Associate Professor of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, "Restoring Trust: Evidence from the Fertilizer Market in Tanzania" | |
May 20, 2022 | Ed Rubin, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Oregon, "Power Plants, Air Pollution, and Regulatory Rebound" | |
May 6, 2022 | Simanti Banerjee, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, "Role of Gender Identity on Conservation Effort and Leasing Contract Choice on Rented Farmland: A Lab Experiment" | |
March 11, 2022 | Katie Black, Assistant Professor of Economics, Kenyon College, "Wildfire Risk, Salience, and Housing Development in the Wildland-Urban Interface" | |
February 4, 2022 | Ivan Rudik, Ruth and William Morgan Assistant Professor in Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, "The Geography of Environmental Regulation: Welfare and Distributional Impacts of the Clean Air Act" | |
November 5, 2021 | Aaron Smith, DeLoach Professor, Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis, "Nutrient Pollution and US Agriculture: Causal Effects and Policy Implications" | |
October 22, 2021 | Bruno Nkuiya, Assistant Professor, Economics, University of Alberta, "Stability of International Fisheries Agreements under Stock Growth Uncertainty" | |
June 11, 2021 | Sathya Gopalakrishnan, Associate Professor, Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, Ohio State University, "Seeing is Believing: Non Marginal Impact of Water Quality Change" | |
May 21, 2021 | Corbett Grainger, Associate Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, "Reverse Grandfathering" | |
April 9, 2021 | Daniel Kaffine, Professor, Economics, University of Colorado, Boulder, "The Distributional Benefits of Emission Reductions from Renewable Energy" | |
February 26, 2021 |
Valerie Mueller, Associate Professor, School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University, "Do Private Consultants Promote Savings and Investments in Rural Mozambique?" |
February 5, 2021 | Craig McIntosh, Professor, School of Global Policy and Strategy, University of California, San Diego, "Search Cost, Intermediation, and Trade: Experimental Evidence from Ugandan Agricultural Markets" | |
January 8, 2021 | Marco Gonzalez-Navarro, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley, "Vulnerability and Clientelism" | |
November 20, 2020 | Ariel Ortiz-Bobea, Associate Professor, Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, "The Historical Impact of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Global Agricultural Productivity" | |
November 6, 2020 | Jordan Suter, Associate Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University, "Tradeoffs in the Design of Subsidies for Groundwater Conservation" | |
October 16, 2020 | Kelsey Jack, Associate Professor, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara, "Harvesting the Rain: The Adoption of Environmental Technologies in the Sahel" | |
March 6, 2020 | Tim Beatty, Professor in Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, "Haste Makes Waste: Evidence on Speed and Quality Tradeoffs in the Workplace" | |
November 15, 2019 | Laura Taylor, Chair of the School of Economics at Georgia Tech, "Utility-Scale Solar Farms and Agricultural Land Values" | |
October 25, 2019 | Katrina Jessoe, Associate Professor in Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, "Water Prices and Adaptation: Micro-level Evidence from Agricultural Land Use" | |
May 23, 2019 | Stephen Polasky, Regents Professor and Fesler-Lampert Professor of Ecological/Environmental Economics, University of Minnesota, "Making Nature Count at Micro to Macro Scales" | |
May 17, 2019 | Paul Jakus, Professor in Applied Economics, Utah State University, "The Antiquities Act, National Monuments, and the Regional Economy" | |
February 15, 2019 | Eli Fenichel, Associate Professor in the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, "Complementarity between Natural and Produced Capital" | |
November 2, 2018 | Ed Taylor, Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California at Davis, "Economic Impact of Giving Land to Refugees" | |
October 12, 2018 | Jill McCluskey, Distinguished Professor of Sustainability and Associate Director, School of Economics, Washington State University, "Use of Socioeconomic Data to Predict Prevalence of Listeria in Retail Food Establishments" | |
May 18, 2018 | Chris Costello, Professor of Resource Economics, University of California at Santa Barbara, "Mining and quasi-option value" | |
April 13, 2018 | Richard Horan, Professor of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University, "Distorting Emissions Permit Markets to Reduce Welfare Losses from Sub-Optimal Caps" | |
April 6, 2018 | Andrew Foster, Professor of Economics and Health Services Policy and Practice, Brown University, "Are There Too Many Farms in the World? Labor-Market Transaction Costs, Machine Capacities, and Optimal Farm Size" | |
October 20, 2017 | Grant McDermott, Professor of Economics, University of Oregon, "Hydro Power. Market Might" | |
April 20, 2016 |
Robert P. King, University of Minnesota, "The Healthfulness of Food Shelf Offerings: A Baseline Assessment for Minnesota and Wisconsin Food Shelves" |
April 15, 2016 |
Dr. Karina Schoengold, University of Nebraska, "Comparing Actual and Predicted Groundwater Trading: The Role Of Transaction Costs and Trading Restrictions" |
October 9, 2015 |
Dr. Catherine L. Kling, Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Iowa State University, “The Cost Of Resilience In Conservation Planning For Water Quality Improvements.” | |
September 30, 2015 |
Gulcan Cil (United State Environmental Protection Agency) |
October 23, 2014 |
Jennifer Alix-Garcia, Associate Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin Topic: “Labor Scarcity, Land Tenure, and Historical Legacy: Evidence from Mexico” |
May 30, 2014 |
Sheila Olmstead, Associate Professor, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin |
May 16, 2014 |
Jay Shimshack, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Tulane University. | |
April 11, 2014 |
Allen Klaiber, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, The Ohio State University. Topic: Linking Demand and Supply in a Housing Market Sorting Model |
October 18, 2013 | Bruce Babcock, Professor, Department of Economics, Iowa State University Topic: Estimating RFS Compliance Costs Using E85 | |
November 15, 2013 |
Chris Anderson, Associate Professor, Fisheries Economics, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington. Topic: Economic Effects of New England Catch Share Programs | |
January 11, 2013 |
Paul Ferraro, Professor, Department of Economics, Georgia State University Topic: Can Panel Data Designs and Estimators Substitute for Randomized Controlled Trials in the Evaluation of Environmental Policy |
February 8, 2013 |
Ralph Mastromonaco, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Oregon Topic:Do Environmental Right-to-Know Laws Affect Markets? Capitalization of Information in the Toxic Release Inventory |
March 8, 2013 |
Hendrik Wolff, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Washington Topic: Climate Amenities, Climate Change, and American Quality of Life |
April 19, 2013 |
Madhu Khanna, Professor, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign Topic: Alternative Transportation Fuel Standards: Economic Effects and Climate Benefits |
May 25, 2012 |
Eric Fisher, Professor, Department of Economics, California Polytechnic State University |
May 11, 2012 |
Brian Copeland, Professor, Department of Economics, University of British Columbia, Frontiers Seminar Series |
February 10, 2012 |
Roger von Haefen, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, North Carolina State University. |
December 2, 2011 |
Elena Irwin, Dept. of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, Ohio State University. |
May 27, 2011 |
Kerry Smith, Arizona State University. Frontiers in Applied Economics Series | |
May 13, 2011 |
John Beghin, Iowa State University | |
March 4, 2011 |
Matthew Kotchen, Yale University | |
October 15, 2010 |
Steve Hamilton, California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo. “Emissions Standards and Ambient Environmental Quality Standards in Stochastic Environmental Media” |
May 28, 2010 |
Rolf Färe, Oregon State University. "Directional Distance Functions and Applied Economics A Tribute to R. G. Chambers" |
April 16, 2010 | Michael Roberts, North Carolina State University. “Identifying Supply and Demand Elasticities of Agricultural Commodities: Implications for the U.S. Ethanol Mandate” | |
February 12, 2010 | Wesley Wilson, University of Oregon. “Prices, Costs, and Market Power in Railroad Markets” | |
January 29, 2010 | Nick Brozovic, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.“Spatial Targeting of Water Management Policies for the Protection of Instream Flows” | |
October 23, 2009 |
Richard Sexton, University of California at Davis.“Impacts of Minimum Quality Standards Imposed Through Marketing Orders or Related Producer Organizations” |
April 17, 2009 |
Terrance Hurley, University of Minnesota. “Valuing the Roundup Ready Weed Management Program” |