AEC Pedagogy Series: Taking Time for Teaching

In our AEC Pedagogy Series: Taking Time for Teaching, we will focus on a teaching topic to introduce some best practices, tools, and how to apply them in the classroom and online, and actively explore pedagogy questions for AEC classes.
Seminars will be held twice per quarter during 2019-20 --- on Fridays from 12-1 pm in Ballard 219. Preliminary seminar dates and topics are below, and please suggest additional topics that you want to discuss:
October 11: Engaging Undergrads in Research: Incentives and Experience – Sophie Pierszalowski, Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, & the Arts; Clark Seavert, AEC, and Dave Lewis, AEC
November 15: Boosting your Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Activities – Workshop ideas from attendees (moderated by Christy Anderson Brekken)
January 17: Teaching Resolutions for the New Year: Reprise of Teaching Tips from 2018 AAEA Undergrad Teaching Award Winner – James Sterns
February 21: Scaffolding Econ Concepts Within and Across AEC Courses – Rob King
April 10: AEC Graduate Student Teaching Experience - CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19
In addition, graduate students who attend and participate throughout the academic year will be eligible to register for a 1-credit graduate student seminar. Encourage your graduate students to attend and participate as a mentor in their acquisition of teaching skills. Most will have an opportunity to teach here or later in their career, making this a valuable contribution to their professional development. An announcement is also going to grad students about this opportunity.
Below are materials and slides from the 2018-19 series:
* May 3, 2019: Media Savvy—Teaching with Current (and Real) News – Christy Anderson Brekken
* April 5, 2019: Teaching Assistants' Experience and Best Practices—Jason Beasley and Tu Nguyen
* March 1, 2019: Diversity and Inclusion in the Classroom – Jane Waite and Christy Brekken
* February 1, 2019: Write ON! Quick writing in the classroom – James Sterns
* November 2, 2018: Mitigating Student Cheating - Beau Olen
Below are materials and slides from the 2017-18 series:
* April 20, 2018: Hybrid teaching at OSU – Reflections from Hybridizing AEC 250 - Dave Lewis
* March 16, 2018: Using Experiments to Teach and How AEELab Plays Into it - Nadia Streletskaya
* December 1, 2017: AgBizLogic Lab Presentation - Clark Seavert and students
* November 3, 2017: Undergraduate Curriculum Review: A Discussion - Jen Alix-Garcia and James Sterns
* October 6, 2017: Taking Time for Teaching: Teaching the Teachers - Beau Olen
How to Make a Good Teacher - article from The Economist
Teaching the Teacher - article from The Economist
Below are materials and slides from the 2016-17 series:
* June 9, 2017: Crafting a teaching statement—Christy Anderson Brekken
6 Principles of University Teaching
* May 12, 2017: Best Practices for Teaching Assistants—Steve Buccola, Chris Mihiar, Yukiko Hashida, and Matt Sloggy
A Short List of Helpful Links for TAs
Handbook for Economics Teaching Assistants (LSE)
A handbook from the London School of Economics. This mainly focuses on leading a session, but includes useful teaching tips such as how to deal with disruptive students.
Teaching Assistant Handbook (Iowa State)
A more general guide for teaching assistants.
“Teaching Assistants Key to Classroom Support” (Georgia Tech. News Center)
By Victor Rogers, published October 13 2016
On-Campus resources: Center for Teaching and Learning
* April 14, 2017: Aligning ABM and EEP Curriculum Outcomes—Rob King
Elasticity and Hypothesis (pdf) Elasticity Questions (pdf) Taking Time for Teaching Notes (pdf) Learner Outcomes Seminar (PowerPoint)
* March 3, 2017: Active Learning in Practice—James Sterns
Active Learning (pdf) Link for University of Minnesota Surviving Group Projects web site.
* February 17, 2017: Gathering and Using Student Input to Improve Our Courses—Larry Lev
For more information: Beyond the mandated (and not all that useful) SET questionnaires, there are multiple tools that instructors can use during the quarter and the Department conducts exit interviews with all graduating undergraduates. Example of student feedback Mid-course Assessment
* January 13, 2017: Creating and Using Rubrics—Mallory Rahe
For more information:
OSU Center for Teaching and Learning: Resources for Assessment
University of Minnesota: Creating Rubrics for Writing Assignments
* December 2, 2016: Games and Simulation Activities in the Classroom (David Kling) Slides (pdf)
* October 28, 2016: Pedagogy 101—Before You Set Foot in the Classroom (Christy Anderson Brekken) Slides (pdf)
For more information:
Kay Sagmiller (2014) OSU Center for Teaching and Learning: Six Principles of University Teaching
Jan Plass, PhD, NYU, Co-Director of the Games for Learning Institute (G4LI)
Jim Eison, PhD. Using Active Learning Instructional Strategies to Create Excitement and Enhance Learning
* October 7, 2016: Why Care About Pedagogy? Slides (pdf) Seminar Notes